Chapter Two - Famous Potter

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"Hey." A whisper filled my ear. I stayed still, no response. "Hey Kitten, come on. Wake up." Draco's voice was soft and tender. I grumbled under my breath in refusal. Suddenly, a rush of cold air tickled my legs as the covers were yanked off of my body. I quickly rose from my bed, swinging at his face. "You are so lucky I decided to wear pants to bed!" I shrilled. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Draco's face reddened at my testimony. "One, why are you waking me so early? Two, how did you get in?" I questioned. "Uh, we have to go to Diagon Alley for new school supplies...and Alohomora. Duh." He said. I raised a eyebrow at his sass. "Just hurry up and get dressed. Your dad made breakfast.". At the word 'breakfast' I scrambled to my wardrobe to clothe myself. "Get out so I can change, Draco!" I excitedly said, grabbing a fresh pair of undergarments. I changed into my Slytherin robes along with a silver sweater and a black pleated skirt to pair. Then, I brushed my long dirty blonde hair, pulling it behind my ears. I took one last look in the mirror. Not too impressed with my look, I decided to apply a bit of mascara on. "What's for breakfast?" I called out, making my way down the staircase. "Scotch eggs! We haven't had it in a while, so I figured why not." Father tenderly smiled. "They're absolutely delicious dear, trust me." Mum assured me. I took a seat next to Draco, of course. "So where are we heading first? You know, in Diagon Alley." I asked, cutting into my roasties paired with the eggs. "Well actually, my father should be arriving soon. We are stopping in at Borgin & Burkes, to sell." Draco explained. "Sell?" I conveyed, rather confused. "Yes, sell. Why wouldn't we?" , "Draco, honey. I think she's just a little lost considering when we go in, we never sell." My mum stepped in for me. "I can talk for myself you know..." Father gave me a cautious look. "Thank you though." I shyly corrected myself. Mum nodded her head just before a knock on the door came to our attention. Draco quickly wrapped his robe he had draped on the back of his chair, buttoning it in the front. "Luc!" I heard my father greet from the foyer. Our journey to Knockturn Alley was a-go.

Draco and I walked down the cold, dark alley. We reached Borgins, causing Draco to inspect through the dusty window. I gazed behind him, swearing to see a young boy inside. "Don't just stand there, get in." I ordered. He opened the door, his hands spontaneously reaching an artifact. In one swift movement, Lucius' cane struck at Draco's hand. "Don't touch anything, Draco." His father drawled. "Yes, father." The small blonde cowardly responded. I noticed Draco's grip tightening on the box he held. "Wow, look at this Dray." I cooed. I heard a faint laugh come from behind me, causing me to dart in the direction. "What's wrong. You look like you've seen a ghost." He said, coming closer to see my point of view. "Nothing, I guess I'm hearing things." I mumbled. Lucius began on a conversation with Borgin. "Master Malfoy! A pleasure seeing you again! And young Master Malfoy too!" Borgin chimed. I stepped out from behind Draco, coming into view. "Ah, Miss L/N! Honor." He said, nodding my way. I smiled faintly, not completely enjoying his presence. "Also, let me show you what we got in! Very reasonably pric-" , "I'm not buying today, Borgin. I'm selling." Lucius' voice shunned the clerk. "Selling?" Borgin stammered. "Draco!" The tall, platinum blonde man demanded his son's presence. Draco broke his stare from the item he was interested in and set the box onto the counter. Malfoy instantly turned back around to me, leaving the conversation between Lucius and Borgin behind. "Isn't this cool!" I said, picking up a glazed skull with rubies encrusted upon it. "Y/N! Put it down, you're going to get us in trouble!" He whisper-yelled. I rolled my eyes as I set it down. I made my way to a coffin like statue that seemed to catch Draco's eye. "So, what?" I smugly grinned. He shook his head and smiled as he reached up to graze the coffin. "Oh! Put it down! I'll get in trouble!" I mocked him. "Look at you now, you're touching that." , "Shut up! It looks cool." He defended himself. A sudden cane landed upon Draco's shoulder. I heard a startled voice come inside from the coffin, causing me to peer inside. "What did I say?" Lucius scolded. I backed away to prevent getting in trouble. "Touch, nothing." Draco replied. "Exactly" , "Sorry Father." The boy said, with an obvious attitude. Lucius cocked an eyebrow and turned to walk out the door. "Priceless!" I whispered in his ear, giggling lightly. He jumped at me a bit before storming out. "Aw, come on Dray!" I called, shortly taking after him.

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