My New Violin Teacher? (BVB)

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"And up next is Blair Mary and she'll be playing Overture, by Black Veil Brides." The conductor said.

I nodded and stood up, quickly making my way onto stage. I've been playing violin ever since I was 5, and this is my last year with my teacher. For my final preformance, she allowed me to choose whatever song I wanted so I chose my favorite song by BVB. I finally walked up and looked out at the crowd; bringing the violin up to my chin and began playing. As I played, I saw my teacher smiling and wiping her eyes. I'm going to miss her so very badly... But someone else caught my eye. Two guys in the back of the crowd. They were staring at me and whispering to each other. I shrugged them off and finished up the song. I played the last note and the crowd applauded and I bowed before walking off.

I was the last performance of the day, so when I walked off everyone started to leave. I put my violin back into it's case and quickly ran to find my teacher, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"Hm... I guess she's outside?" I thought as I ran toward the door.

I stood on my toes and looked over the crowd. My eyes finally found my teacher and I ran toward her, but quickly stopped a few feet away. I saw that she was talking to the guys from the back of the crowd.

"She's a very interesting student, and she's full of so much potential!" My teacher said.

Both of the guys nodded.

"I do believe you're right. How long have you taught her?" Asked the one of the guys.

"I've taught her ever since she was 5, she's 19 now... So I've taught her for 14 years," she wiped her eyes "And it feels like it was only yesterday when she walked into my office..."

I smiled and squinted my eyes. The guy sounded so very familiar and they look familiar.... I just can't put my finger on it.. I stepped a little closer and felt and arm around my neck, pulling me forward.

"Speaking of the devil, here she is!" My teacher exclaimed basically dragging me toward the guys.

"I'm not a devil." I pouted (I really am).

She laughed and nodded towards the guys.

"These two fine young men saw your preformance, dear. They said that you did very well."

I smiled. "Thank you very much." I said nodding.

One of the guys stepped forward. "Miss Mary-"

"Blair... Please, just call me Blair." I said quickly.

The man chuckled and continued.

"Blair... My friend and I loved your preformance. We would like to offer you a contract."

"A contract? For what exactly?"

"A contract to be a second hand violinist for our band."

I raised an eye-brow. Second-hand violinist? If they already have one, why would they need another? I looked over at my teacher, hoping that she would give me some support. She looked at me and smiled broadly.

"Accept the contract, Blair. Mr. Furgason and Mr. Biersacks' band sounds very interesting... What was it again? Blue Veil Birds? Black Hail Knights?"

My eyes widened and I turned to the guys. "B-Black.... Veil.... B-Brides...?" I stuttered.

Both of them nodded and smiled. A small smile slowly grew on my face and I nodded.

"I accept...." I said, still smiling.

"Great!" Andy exclaimed.

"Give us your number. We'll call you when we're ready for you to come by." Jinxx said smiling.

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