I'm Alive...?

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After I passed out, I began to feel weightless. I opened my eyes and looked around, only to see Andy stir in his sleep, and I saw my own body... Wait.. My own body?! What the hell? I flipped around, only to fall hard back into my body. Everything was dark, I couldn't open my eyes or anything. The only think I could do, was listen to my heart-beat.


Hours later, I began to feel weightless again. Only this time, my feet lightly landed on the tile floor beside of my body. I looked and saw doctors injecting stuff into my arm and giving me CPR. I smiled at their efforts to try and bring me back. I stood there for a moment before walking off, through the wall and into the hallway. I must have been staring at something because I ran into something and fell back. I rubbed my head and looked up. A wild smile grew across my face as I jumped up, and hugged my grandmother. I pulled back and looked at her, her expression was terrifying.

"What are you doing? How can you see me?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

She shook her head and glared at me.

"Honey... If you can see and touch me then... You're... Oh god! You're grandfather did this to you! He killed me and his grand-daughter!" She exclaimed, balling her fists.

I blinked and backed away a little. I'm dead? I'm seriously dead?! My grandmother calmed down and looked at me.

"Go back... It isn't your time to go... We'll meet again someday.. I love you, Blair. And never forget it." She said smiling.

I blinked back tears and nodded. I turned and walked back to my room, passing through the door. I stopped as Andy's sobs filled my ears. I looked over and saw him kneeling beside my body, holding my hand. The doctor, on the other hand, was on the phone, calling for a stretcher. I smiled and wiped my tears away as I slowly inched toward my body. The moment I got close to it, I was forced back into it. Once my soul had been recovered, I felt a warm hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze, just as the heart-rate machine lightly beeped. I was alive.

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