Broken Toy

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The next morning, I woke-up to the sound of Blairs heart-rate monitor slowing down. My eyes shot open and I looked at the monitor to see her heart-rate go back up. I sighed in relief and saw a guy pull a syringe out of her IV tube.

"There. She should be fine, for now." He said stepping back and looking her over. I looked at him. He was a very young looking doctor. He had to be at least 27 or a little older.

"So how long have you and her been together?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Umm.... We aren't together. I've only known her for about a week." I said looking down.

He nodded and kept staring at her. What a creep? And why was he staying in here with us anyway? Was he suppose to watch her 24/7 or what? My train of thought was interrupted when the man spoke again.

"You know... She reminds me of a broken toy."

I raised an eyebrow. "How is that?"

"Toys are bought and some end up broken when they fall into the wrong hands. When the toy breaks, sometimes it can be put back together. But not entirely. They can act different or be missing some parts. Now they can be broken again and again... Until finally they just..."

"Give out." I finished. The doctor turned and nodded towards me. He sounded like he was saying that Blair was at her final breaking point. I know i've only known her for a week, but I don't know how I could live with myself knowing that she's gone.


I must have dozed off. I was rudely awakened by the continuous beeping noise. Wait.... Continues beeping noise... Oh god BLAIR!!! I sprang out of my chair and saw her heart-rate was down to zero. The doctors who tried helping were standing at the side of the room, mourning over their failed rescue. My knees wobbled and I fell on top of Blair, tears flooding down my cheeks. She can't be gone... NO! She isn't going to leave me!

I growled and quickly pressed my hands onto her sternum, pushing down 5 times before switching to mouth-to-mouth. After a few minutes, one of the doctor tugged at me shoulder, telling me that it was no use. I pushed him off and continued, not losing hope. It took 5 doctors to successfully pull me away from her. I sat on my knees beside her.

"N-no... You can't l-leave me..." I whispered holding her hand.

"Yes... We need a stretcher in room 48C.... A 19 year old girl... Beaten to death... " one of the doctors had called the morticians to come and haul her off to the mourge.

I tighted my grip and sobbed into her neck. I stayed there for a good 30 minutes... Then I heard a faint beep and a light squeeze on my hand.

I: My New Violin Teacher? (BVB)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ