My New Home... With My Kidnappers...

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The guy named Andy nodded as the doctor explained everything that would have to be done once I left the hospital. He finished explaining everything and made everyone leave the room so he could preform one last check-up on me. He looked at my bruised arms and legs, my blacked eye, all of the cuts- Which appear to be completely healed-, and everything else. The doctor put everything away, slipped my hospital gown off- since it still hurt to move-,and helped me put on some normal clothes. I slipped off of the bed and into the wheelchair beside of it. The doctor got behind me and pulled my head back towards him. I winced a little and looked into his stone cold, grey eyes.

"If you tell anyone about what I did to you, I swear i'll kill you the next time I see you... Got it?!" He exclaimed tightening his grip on my hair.

I quickly nodded and my head fell forward as he let go and pushed me out the door. Andy was the only one standing outside the door. He smiled at me then at the doctor as he took the chair away from him. The doctor put a hand on my shoulder and said that he hoped that I started feeling better. Andy nodded and walked out the entrance to a car that was already up front and running. He opened the back door and he and the guy named... Ashley? Helped pull me inside. I winced as I stepped up, since I was still... Oddly sore.


I was picked up and carried into the house once we arrived. I smiled a little and hung on tightly to the guy carrying me. He stepped into the door and set me on my feet.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

I shifted from foot to foot and nodded a little. He smiled and lead me upstairs. I followed him, ignoring the seiring pain with every footstep, and finally made it to an empty guest room. Which only had a bed, nightstand, carpet, and closet. I smiled and slowly walked to the center off the room.

"I know it's nothing much. But we'll be painting and bringing stuff in soon." Andy said as he suddenly appeared next to me.

I jumped a little and nodded.

"And... Until you're feeling a little better, all the guys will be staying here."

I nodded again. For some reason... I like these guys. It's almost like I can trust them with anything and not have to worry about safety. I'm just happy they didn't take me back to my grandfathers house... Unless they were going to keep me for a few days before returning me to him.... I shuddered at the thought and sat on the floor.


The next few days were pretty awesome. I finally memorized everyones names- I'm still surprised that they hadn't noticed that I DIDN'T know or reconize them-. I've also come to love Ash and Andy... Again, just throwing that out there... Everything was good until I switched on the news. It was really weird and scary at first, but here's the entire story.

It was a normal Sunday afternoon. Everyone was out doing something, except for Andy and I. Since we had nothing to do, we just decided to sit down and watch Batman Forever. It got to the part when The Riddler walks in to Two-Faces' lair with the knowledge gaining machine.

"I'll be right back, Blair." Andy said, patting my knee. I smiled and nodded as he stood up and walked off to the kitchen. About five minutes after that, an emergancy news flash popped up on the TV screen. I turned and saw that it was an Amber Alert. I raised an eyebrow and turned the volume up a little. A reporter popped up and started talking.

"This is an Amber Alert for a kidnapping. Blair Mary, grand-daughter of John Evans, was kidnapped last Sunday from her home. Here's John Evans with the details." He turned and held the mic up to my grand-father. He took in a deep breath and spoke.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sound asleep in bed when I heard the door open. I sat up, grabbed my shotgun, and followed the figure to my grand daughters' room. I quietly opened the door and saw her in the mans arms. I tried to save her, but the man got past me and sped off with Blair in his car." He turned to the camera with tears in his eyes.

"To the person who kidnapped Blair. Please don't hurt her. I'll give you anything you want. Just.... Bring her back to me. I already lost my wife, I can't lose her too..."

He walked off and a picture of the kidnapper popped up on the screen. I wave of terror and shock exploded all over my body. The picture looked just like... No.. It looked EXACTLY like Andy. I was seriously acting all cool and casual with my kidnapper! And I started falling for him! Oh god... I need to get home. I looked over and saw that Andy wasn't back, so I quietly got up and slowly made my way to the door. I unlocked it and pulled it open, but it was closed again. I spun around and saw Ash smiling.

"Where are you going, cutie?" He asked.

I blinked and backed away from him. He stepped toward me and held his hand out. I glared at him and smacked his hand away before shrinking into the corner. Ash ran and got Andy, who ran out and kneeled next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I growled and shoved him off of me and brought my knees up to me chest.

"What's wrong with you Blair?" He asked sounding very worried.

"A-Andy... Y-you need to l-look at this.." Ash said quietly, pointing at the TV. As he walked away, I laid my head against the wall and cried.

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