Happiness and fear

430 21 5

A few days later, I got a call from an unknown number. I sighed, thinking it was someone trying to sell me something, and clicked the answer button.

"Jims whore house. You got the dough, we got the hoe." I said with my southern accent coming out.

"Uhh..... Is this Blair Mary...? It's Andy... Andy Biersack..."

I felt myself do an anime sweat drop... "Oh god Andy! I didn't know it was you!" I nervously giggled as he burst out laughing.

"Oh god i'm dying! Anyway, we would like you to come over now? If that's ok with you, don't forget your violin! Oh... And if you see Ash at the whore-house tell him to come back!"

I laughed. "OK, i'm on my way."

He quickly gave me the address before hanging up. I am so stupid... Why did I have to say that...? Especially to my savior.... I face palmed and walked over to my closet, pulling out my favorite violin, which I named Sebastian Michaelis, and ran downstairs.

"I'm going out, grandma! I don't know when i'll be back!"

"Just come back soon, Blair! I wanna talk to you tonight." My grandpa shouted from the living room.

I shuddered and bit my lip. "Y-Yes... Grandpa..."

I quickly flung the door open and ran off.

Thank god Andy lived a few blocks away from me.... Oh my god... Andy fucking Biersack lived only a few BLOCKS away from ME! Man, I need to get out more. My fan-girling ended as soon as I reached the front door and knocked three times.


I knocked three more times.


The door opened and Jinxx stood in the doorway.

"I'm not Andy, but OK... Come one in Blair." He stepped out of the way and invited me in.

I walked in and looked around. This house, well this part of the house, was very beautiful. Jinxx started walking to the back and I quietly followed. He opened the door and stepped into a large studio. Andy was writing in a notepad when he looked up and smiled. I smiled back a little and looked around.

"Big studio.... Awesome." I said.

He nodded. "Yup... So, you have your violin right?"

I nodded and patted the case.

"Yes.. I have Sebastian. Tuned and ready to play."

He laughed a little.

"You named your violin?

I nodded. "I did... I name all of my violins. There's Grell Sutcliff, The Bridesmaid, Dahvie Von Monroe, and The Curse."

He continued laughing. Apparently he thought it was weird that a 19 year old named her violins. Eh, I don't really care, hehe...

He finally stopped laughing and looked down at me, smiling.

"So tell us about yourself...."

"I thought you invited me over for the violin thing."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"We just wanted to see if everything your teacher told us was right."

I raised an eyebrow. "What did she say exactly?"

He looked down a little. "She told us your likes, dislikes, what your personality is like.... And your life at home."

I looked up and glared at him. "She told you that my parents gave me to my grandparent when I was young... Big deal, it doesn't really matted." I muttered.

He looked at me and leaned toward Jinxx. "See, I knew she would really tell us the truth."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine, the truth is that my real parents abused me and one day, their bearing put me in the hospital.... They were put in jail for life and my grandparents took me in... Other then that me life is.... Okay....." I shuddered and trailed off.


I nodded and looked down. Andy blinked and put a hand on my shoulder.

"So... Care to show us Sebastian?"

I smiled and opened the case; pulling out a slick black violin with crow feathers at the bottom, "I'm one hell of a butler" written in cursive at the top, and Sebastian from Black Butler painted on the back. Jinxx and Andy stared at it in amazement. I smiled and pulled out my black and silver bow.

"Awesome, can I see?" Jinxx asked reaching out.

I nodded and handed it to him. He looked at the strings, the wood, and everything else. He also grabbed the bow and played a few notes before handing it back to me.

"Looks like i'll be taking you under my wing." Jinxx said smiling.

I gave him a confused looked. "So you're going to be tutoring me for violin?"

He nodded.

"But, I spent 14 years playing. I  think I already know all I need to."

He chuckled and smiled. "You can spend your entire life playing and still not know everything there is to know. I'm still learning and i've played for over 20 years!"

I smiled. "Ok, tutor me master." I bowed.

He patted my head and sat me down.

~a few hours later~

My mind felt like it were about to burst. Jinxx and filled my head with so much informations and so many intresting things that I never knew about. Wow, I don't even think my real violin teacher knew this much. I was so excited and started to ask some more questions, until I looked at the clock. 6:32 PM..... Shit! My grandpa is going to be so pissed off... Uh oh.... This is going to end very VERY badly for me. I jumped up, grabbed Sebastian, and ran out the door without even saying good-bye. I made it home 15 minutes later and burst through the door...

"Oh Blair..... Come here and see your old mans man...."

I slowly set Sebastian down and slowly crept upstairs to my grandpa's room.

I: My New Violin Teacher? (BVB)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن