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-One Week Later-

It's been a week since Jinxx left with Sammi, and today is the day they're coming back home. It's been so lonely and slightly chaotic since he left... I mean, we don't call him "Mama Jinxx" for no reason, right?

I laughed softly at myself then quickly went quiet as the door-knob started to turn. Everyone took in a deep breath as the door opened and jumped on, more like attacked, Jinxx as he stepped through the door. Him and I made complete eye-contact for a second before he slipped by the guys and myself. I tilted my head in confusion as he walked by and didn't even acknowledge me or anyone.

The guys started to follow him, but they stopped when he turned around and faced us.

"Guys please... I've been driving all night and my head's throbbing."

Everyone looked up at him and slowly nodded as they added space in between Jinxx and themselves. He thanked us and headed back upstairs to his room.

"I guess we'll find out more about his trip tomorrow. And everything that went down." CC chuckled softly and walked into the living room.

Everyone followed behind him, Ash and I were the last ones in. Before we walked through the door way, I lightly tapped Ash's shoulder. He stopped and turned to me.

"What is it babe?" He asked, smiling softly.

"I'm heading up to check on Jinxx..." I replied, starting to turn toward the stairway.

"Why? You heard him... He has a headache, we should just let him sleep."

I shook my head and climbed the stairs. "Something doesn't feel right..."


I stopped outside of Jinxx's door and twisted the knob.

"Guys. Please leave me alone." He muttered from the other side of the door.

I sighed and walked into his room. As I closed the door, Jinxx sat up on his bed and shot me a glare.

"What do you want Blair?" He asked, sounding very annoyed.

I walked over to him and knelt down, his dark brown eyes met my blue-green eyes.

"What's wrong? Tell me the truth..." I said softly.

He blinked then turned away from my gaze. "Nothing..."

''Damn it Jinxx! Something is wrong and I want to help you!" I exclaimed.

He growled then slowly looked back at me.

"Do you think I'd ever cheat on Sammi..?" He asked/muttered.

My eyes widened slightly in surprise and confusion when he asked me that question. I quickly stood up and hugged him close.

"Why would you ask something as silly as that..?" I asked, hugging him still.

"She says I cheated on her and when we left... She filed for a divorce..." He muttered, showing me his ring-less finger. I shook my head and looked at him.

"I'm so sorry Jinxx... I really am..."

"It's OK Blair... It's for the best.." He sighed then let me go.

I looked at him and smiled softly. "If you ever need anything please come to me or one of the guys... We'll help you with anything and everything you need... OK?"

He nodded and laid down. "Goodnight Blair... Thank you."

I nodded and smiled again before going back downstairs.

-4 Months Later-

Well I have some great news! Jinxx and Sammi didn't go through with the divorce! They just decided to taking some time to reflect on their lives together. Trust me, I understand them being apart and everything for long periods of time can lead to rumors that are false and some people tend to egg it on and make everyone believe the rumors, including the people who the rumors are about. But, i'm more then glad to say that they're still together and hopefully nothing will bring them apart again.


"Come on Blair!" Ash groaned in annoyance. "Is it done yet??"

I laughed softly and shook my head before resting on his chest. You see, the reason why we're both so anxious is because we were waiting for some results to come back. We're both really excited and nervous, and with every passing second, we grow more and more impatient. A couple of minutes passed by with complete silence, that's when Ash and I both heard a faint beep. I looked up at him quickly then jumped up and grabbed the test off of the nightstand.

"What is the answer??" He asked again, almost falling off the bed with excitement.

I looked down at the test, and my smile slowly faded. I sighed softly and wrapped my hand around the test then I brought it close to my chest. Ash looked up and me then slowly stood up.

"Blair..." He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head in the crook of my neck. "We can try again... It's OK..."

I shook my head and kissed his temple. "We don't have to try again..."

He stood up and looked down at me. "But don't you...."

He trailed off then I held the test up to him. His eyes widened and a smile slowly crept onto his face. I squealed softly in excitement then jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He chuckled and hugged me close to him.

"We're going to finally have a family." He said softly.

"It's almost like a dream come true..." I replied, hugging him more.

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