It-It Isn't Y-Yours...?

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-A Few Days Later-

Well, it's been a few days, or weeks, since Ash and I were married and life has never been better. I mean, everyday still feels normal but it feels like there's a little more happiness added in. Also, there is another very good, and very awesome piece of information I must tell all of you people! Ash and I are expecting!! I'm a few months along, 2 at the most, at least, that's what our doctor told us. Ash was a little confused at first, but blew off the thought for the time being. But, I hope he knows about what happened at the party the guys threw for us a few months back. I knew he was drunk, but not COMPLETELY drunk, so he knew exactly what he was doing and when he was done, he said that he loved me very much... The only thing that confused me was that his voice sounded didn't, but it didn't really concern me to much.

Once we were done, Ash and I thanked the doctor and drove home, as soon as we walked inside Ash quickly pinned me to the back side of the door. I gasped a little in surprise and looked up at him.

"Who did you cheat on me with?? We had sex last week, how could you already be 2 months along??" He growled.

My eyes widened and I looked up at him in confusion. "Don't you remember? At the party? You came up into my room and... You know.."

He growled and tightened his grip on my wrists.

"Don't you DARE lie to me. I was with Andy, Jake, and Jinxx the whole time... You can ask them.."

I quickly shook my head in response. "No, it had to be you... It had to be..." I muttered. "Wh-Where was... CC.?"

"He said he was going to turn in early, that he was getting a slight buzz." Ash responded. "Why??"

I shook my head and pushed Ash away then walked out the door in anger. I knew he was lying, he had to be... I mean, he was the ONLY one who knew I went to sleep early. I didn't talk to that many people either so that could play a major role in this... Let's see... I only talked with... Kellin... Jayy... CC... and Ricky... I'm not saying that they'd do anything, and even if it wasn't Ash then it had to be one of the people at the party... And there were SO MANY of them... I growled a little and turned then I started walking up someone's porch. Once I reached the top, I knocked twice then stepped back. A few seconds later, Jinxx opened the door.

"Hey Blair... What a pleasant surprise." He said, smiling and inviting me in.

I thanked him then went inside and sat down. He followed behind me and sat down on a couch, opposite of me. We sat in complete for a little bit before Jinxx spoke up.

"So.. Um.. How are you and Ash doing?" He asked, chuckling.

"So far so good... He thinks I cheated on him with someone though.." I replied softly.

"Oh..? That's why you're here, huh?"

I nodded and sighed softly. "I'm 2 months pregnant.... But Ash and I did it last week..."

"So... Pretty much, you think you had sex with someone at the party the guys and I threw for you two huh?"

"How did you know I was going to say that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow in confusion and curiosity. Is Jinxx hiding something from me? Or is he going to tell me something I have yet to find out about...? I sighed softly and looked at him once he was done popping his knuckles.

"Listen... Ash was with us the entire night.... But...." He trailed off, but quickly noticed how annoyed I was getting then he continued. "Listen... CC has been talking to Andy and I about how he was jealous of Ash... And that he liked you...."

"CC RAPED ME?????" I growled, jumping up on my feet. As I started to run out the door, Jinxx quickly grabbed and sat me back down.

"He said he did, and that it sounded like you enjoyed it... But he was buzzed so...."


"Calm down... I know... But please calm down.. It was terribly wrong, yes... But you and Ash can always have another kid and this one is the first for both of you... Also, it's your kid and it's all that matters."

"Yeah... OK....... Thank you Jinxx." I said as I hugged him tight and left.


I got back to Ash's house to find it completely empty. I tilted my head and ran around the house, looking for him, but I didn't find a single trace. I growled and laid down on the couch for a little bit, trying to think of where he could be... While I thought, my stomach started cramping up real bad. I groaned loudly and held it as I went into a fetal position. The cramps progressively got worse, until finally they just stopped. I sighed in relief and stood up, as I was wallowing in pain, I got a quick idea on where


I pushed open the door to the bar and looked around. This always seems to be the place Ash goes when he's mad or upset, so it was either this place or an adult store. I shuttered softly and continued looking around, ignoring all the comments from drunken men, until I finally found him sitting at the bar in the back. I walked up behind him and climbed into the empty seat next to his.

"What are you doing here." He muttered.

"I-I came to tell you the truth..." I whispered...

"The truth... I was right wasn't I huh??"

"No... You see... At the party... CC... He..." I stopped myself and wiped my eyes quickly.

Ash's eyes widened and he turned to me. "CC raped you?? Why didn't you tell me huh??? Do you know for sure?? Who told you this??" He pumbled me with all of these questions, all I could do was keep quiet until he finished.

"CC told Jinxx and he told me... but you shouldn't get mad... OK... I'm keeping the baby and he or she will be ours, forever..." I said softly.

Ash sighed and nodded. I smiled softly and stood up as Ash paid the bartender then we walked out, hand in hand.

It didn't take that long to get back home, but as soon as we walked in, the cramps started back up again. I groaned and went down to my knee. Ash jumped and knelt down next to me. "What's wrong love?? Tell me what to do.."

"G-Get me upstairs... Bathroom.." I whispered, through tears.

He nodded as he picked me up and ran up to one of the bathrooms. He stepped in and gently sat me down, and with that, I gently pushed him out the door and pulled off my panties. As I looked down, I saw they were blood stained and there was something in the middle of the puddle. My eyes widened and I gently laid them on the floor beside of me. I turned away and looked at the ceiling, tears quickly flooding down my cheeks.

"Blair?? Baby, are you OK?" Ash said, knocking.

"Ash.... I-I need you h-here...." I said through my tears.

The door opened and Ash ran in then knelt next to me. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and cried my eyes out.

"I-It's gone.... It's gone.." I repeatedly whispered into his neck. He looked down at me then to the pair of panties I had set on the floor. His eyes widened and he hugged me tighter. He kissed my forehead and cheeks, telling me that it would be OK and that we could try again. I shook my head and continued crying. It took a while, but I finally calmed down and Ash carried me back to our room after taking care of everything. We were going to take the "baby" to the hospital and see exactly why this happened, and if it would ever happen again. I sighed and stared at the ceiling, feeling numb and not wanting to sleep... Ever again...

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