From Cowgirl to Outlaw

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After about an hour, I finally found Ashs' house. I took in a deep breath and made my way up to the door and knocked a few times before stepping back as the door creaked open.
"Hey Blair!" Ash said smiling and inviting me in.
"Hiya." I replied stepping through the door. I looked around as he closed and locked the door.
"So, what brings you here?" Ash asked putting an arm around me. I tensed up a little, but I allowed it.
"Juliet came back from tour. She's with Andy."
He laughed and said that if he were me that he'd stay out of the house for the night too. I giggled a little and looked at him. His deep chocolate orbs looking into my bright blue ones. Before I knew it, we were kissing. Ash wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. I really loved Ash, and after todays events i've decided to choose him. Maybe I was ready to come out of my shell a little and start dating without the fear of rejection... Or fear of my grandfather scaring the guy away. That has happened WAY to many times in the past, and now I can finally let go. I was finally brought back to reality when I felt Ashs' hands going downward. I jumped and quickly pulled away. I looked at him and went red, he chuckled.
"Are you ok?"
I slowly nodded. "Sorry... I'm not really used to... This." I said softly.
He smiled and pecked my lips.
"So. Is the cowgirl ready to be an outlaw?"
I smiled broadly and nodded.

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