At Least Some People Like Me

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I walked along the road, looking down, and muttering under my breath. I was mentally crunching some numbers. I can sell some of the clothes off my back to make a little money... And I can ask about a job offering at the mall. I sighed happily and stepped through the doors, walking to Hottopic and walking in. I looked around, smiling softly.

        "Can I help you, miss?" A worker with a bright blue mow-hawk asked.

I blinked and nodded quickly.

        "Y-yes... I-I'd like to apply for a job here?" I said stuttering.

The man nodded and motioned me back. I followed him to a small room and sat in one of the chairs. He sat across from me and smiled a bit.

        "So, you'd like a job here at Hottopic?"

I nodded and smiled a little, looking around. 

        "Well.... You look worthy. With your clothing style and piercings... Got any tattoos?"

I shook my head no.

        "I don't, but I do want some." 

The man nodded and left the room, coming back with a job application.

        "Here, fill this out. How early can you start?"

I smiled and took the form.

         "Tomorrow. I can start tomorrow!"

        He smiled and nodded. He turned and left as I filled out the form and turned it in to the man, and left. I smiled slightly and continued walking. As I walked, I felt like I was being watched. Eye burned holes into the back of my head and back, I blew the feeling off and continued walking.


        Someone shouted from behind me. I spun around and saw a huge group of people following me.



        The words continued, progressively getting worse and worse. I bit my lip and leaned against the wall, letting the words over power and tear me to shreds.

        "OI! FUCK FACES! LEAVE HER ALONE OR BE THE OBJECT OF MY WRATH!"someone yelled from afar.

        I looked up through tear filled eyes, and saw a girl with short blonde hair and green eyes, glaring at the group of people surrounding me. More girls, probably friends, followed behind.

        "YEAH YA DAMN BIATCHES! THE GIRL DON'T DESERVE IT!" shouts another girl with beautiful knee length orange hair tied in twin ponytails.

        "Y'ALL HOE-BAGS BETTER LEAVE OUR HOME-GIRL ALONE!" The brunette with green eyes yelled.

        "FEAR OUR BRITISH WRATH!" Yelled the final one, her grey eyes shining.

        "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?" someone in the crowd screeched.

All of them smirked and stepped forward, introducing themselves.

The blonde smiled. "Lizi"

        "Nana!" The ginger smirked.

        "Cattie" Glared the brunette.

I: My New Violin Teacher? (BVB)Where stories live. Discover now