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**Blair P.O.V**

    The chloroform they used to knock me out started to wear off. I didn't move or open my eyes, but I was fully awake and aware of most of the stuff that was going on around me. I've seen way to many movies and bad things always happen to the dumb girls who seem to get kidnapped every 5 fucking minutes, might as well play it smart... OK, not focus... I was on the floor of some kind of van or truck. My wrists were bound together behind my back, and by the feeling of it, I think they were duct-taped together, same with my ankles. Well, there's no use in trying to run away or attack my kidnappers, might as well just shut up and play along. Hopefully i'll get to live a lot longer. I took in a few deep breaths and switched senses. I could hear the engine of the vehicle I was in, it slowed down occasionally, then sped up, then slowed down again. Whoever is driving must be totally calm, like they've kidnapped people before... Great, i'm even more worried now... PERFECT....

    "I'm so happy we ran into that girl. She is such a perfect allies!" one of the guys said.

    I mentally furrowed my brow and strained to hear their conversation.

    "I agree, I thought i'd never be able to see this worthless piece of trash again. We are going to have so much fun with her once we get back to our "fun-house"." 

    "Yes... But what are we going to do with the other one? Do we still get to have fun with her?"

    "Don't worry, Cody. Both of them broke your heart. You've told us the story a million times, now you finally get to have your "revenge''."

    Cody.... I've heard his name before! And why does everyone's voices sound so damn familiar!?! Damn, brain. I continued to try and remember who Cody was and who these people sounded like, but I continued failing. 

    The van came to a screeching halt. I, not being held down by anything, went sliding across the floor. My body collided with the metal backings of the front two seats. I groaned slightly and looked up... Bad idea....

    "Hey, look who finally decided to wake up~" The man said, smirking. 

    I felt my body start shaking violently. I couldn't scream or talk. I was useless. I couldn't do anything except blink, which helped me out a little. The man chuckled darkly and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder, the bone in his shoulder pressed up into my gut. I groaned and wiggled around trying to get comfortable. I stopped when the guy reached up and slapped my backside, my ass to be more specific. I whimpered and looked down as he continued walking. I didn't recognize where we were. There were no sounds of a busy highway or a crowded neighborhood. It felt like we were out somewhere in the middle of the country. But the only think I truly knew was that the ground was nothing but asphalt. 

    Minutes past and we finally reached my destination. The man walked into the building and threw my on the ground. I bounced a few times before hitting the cold, concrete wall. I shuddered at the sudden temperature change and looked up. All four of the guys were standing around me, an evil smirk upon each of their lips. I growled and eyed all of them. I remember who these people are now... Damn, my life is so fucked up....

    "Oh how we've missed you, Mary dear~" One said, forcefully ripping the tape from my jaw up to my lips. 

    I cringed at the name and groaned in pain. My lip burned slightly and I couldn't feel my cheeks or chin. All of the guys laughed as I quickly blinked my tears away.

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