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I was pulled into a a dimmly lite interrogation room. The officer sat in a chair and looked at me.

"Have a seat Miss Mary. We'll have to go over everything that'll be happening in court tomorrow."

I growled and gripped the back of the chair.

"I am not testifying. You're going to be sending an innocent man to jail!" I whispered.

He shook his head. "I know what he did to you. He did very bad things to you, that's why you lost your voice for a while.... God, it's Blood on the Dance Floor all over again.." He sighed, rubbing his head.

I slammed my fist on the table, causing him to jump.

"This is complete bullshit! One, Dahvie never did ANYTHING to that Jessi girl. And two, Andy is a HERO not a kidnapper or pedophile!" I exclaimed straining my throat, glaring at him, killing him mentally.

He stood up and walked to me. I stepped back as he rested his hand on my shoulder. My trembling hand started stinging. I think my nails dug into my skin. I didn't both checking it, the slight stinging was the only thing that was keeping me from punching the cop. He looked into my eyes. His expression looked almost kind and caring. I sighed and looked away.

"What don't you understand... Andy is innocent, I swear. You can take as many tests as you want. All of them will prove that he is innocent."

He shook his head.

"There is no need. Everyone thinks it's him. You just need to say yes he did and everything will be running along smoothly."

I growled and nodded. The cop smiled and patted my head.

"It's a good thing you decided to co-operate with us." He released my head and left the room.

I fell into the chair and buried my face into my hands. I can't testify against Andy. He didn't do anything wrong. He was just being a hero... Like he always has been.

I: My New Violin Teacher? (BVB)Where stories live. Discover now