Thank You.

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                                               -7 months later-

        I laid down on the couch with my head across Ash's lap and my hands gently caressing my belly. The baby is going to be here in 2 months. Man, I want this baby out of my stomach and in my arms. I want to feel him/her move around, I want to see it open it's eyes and see it's mommy and daddy for the first time... GAHH! I'm so impatient... But i'm not going to let that get in the way of anything, the day will be here before I know it, then i'll finally be a mother... Ash and I are so excited. Another thing I should mention, we haven't looked at any of the ultra-sounds. We wanted the birth to be a surprise, so we don't know if it's a boy, a girl, twins, or triplets... Which adds onto our anxiety and excitement.

        But there is something wrong... I haven't told Ash this or anything... But i've been bleeding an awful lot. Every time I go to the restroom, it's nothing but blood. I mean, it's a little freaky yes, but the baby is still growing and the doctor says that it's very healthy... So i'm not going to worry about it all to much...

        "So... Mrs. Purdy." Ash chuckled. "Have you thought of any names?"

        I giggled softly and thought. "Hmm... If it's a girl i'd love to name her Nicole or Starr... If it's a boy i'd name him Light or Ashley Jr." I replied and smiled as Ash rested his hand on my stomach.

        "Awe, cute names... If it's a girl, I'd probably name her Alexandria or Dominique. If it's a boy i'd name him Dustin or Jeremy." He chuckled softly.

        I smiled and nodded then moved his hand around to the spot where I felt the baby start to kick. He smiled and rubbed around that area. 

        "How many do you think are in here?" He asked, putting his ear against my belly.

        I laughed and stroked his hair. "I have no idea... I guess we'll find out in 2 months."

        He smiled and gently kissed me. "I'm so excited. When it gets here I promise to be the best father in the world." He said, crossing his heart.

        I smiled and kissed him again, a little more deeply. "You already are the best father in the world... You're also the best husband."

        He smiled and quickly stood up. "Oh, I must show you something." He said, taking my hand.

        I tilted my head a little but shrugged and followed him. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and lead me up the stairs then he turned down a hallway and stopped in front of a room that was right next to ours.

        "Close your eyes." He said with a smile.

        I playfully glared at him then closed my eyes obediently. A few seconds passed, an arm snaked around my waist again then slowly guided me forward, leading me onto a carpeted floor. I bit my lip and resisted the urge to open my eyes.

        "OK... Open them." Ash instructed.

        I smiled and slowly opened them. My eyes widened when I looked at the room. It was absolutely beautiful, the walls were painted white and there was a small wooden crib pushed up next to one of the walls. There was another crib still in it's box, ready to be built in-case we're blessed with another child. There was also a large changing place with drawers and cabinets for diapers, wipes, clothes, and other things the baby or babies will or might need. 

        I also noticed a large amount of toys, boxes of diapers, and all kinds of clothes. Some were boy clothes, some were girl clothes, but most of them were unisex, thank goodness. I quickly brought my hands over my mouth as tears of happiness started to form in my eyes. I have to thank everyone who gave us all of this stuff... Honestly, all of this is perfect, we have everything we need for our little bundle of joy.... I honestly can't think of anything we need that isn't in this room right now. 

        Ash smiled at me and walked over then pulled me into a tight embrace.

        "Do you like the room?" He asked while playing with my hair.

        I nodded and wiped my eyes. "I love it... It's so beautiful." I said, with my voice cracking."How did you get all of this stuff?"

        "Well... The guys went and goes some stuff... Rebel sent in some things, so did Kassidy, Cattie, Lizi, and Nana... And well... Some fans sent in some stuff."

        My eyes widened. "That many people sent in all of this stuff..?"

        Ash nodded and kissed my cheek. 

        "Oh my gosh... We need to thank them for all of this stuff!" I exclaimed.

        He chuckled and walked to our room. "You can thank everyone tomorrow. Right now, it's 12:30 in the morning.. We should rest." 

        I smiled and nodded as I laid down next to him after changing into my night clothes. We laid there for a few minutes and looked at each other, about 5 minutes passed when Ash put his hand on my stomach again.

        "Two more months" He whispered, moving his hand around.

        I smiled and nodded. "Two more."

        After a few more times of repeating each other, we finally fell asleep with small smiles on our faces.

        The next day, Ash and I got to thank everyone for everything they sent to us. We sent out letters to Cattie, who was in a Judo competition, to Kassidy, who was in Britain, visiting her mother, and to Lizi, who was probably with her dad or in an art competition. Once those were sent out, I personally sent an e-mail out to Nana, who was probably doing what she does best, hacking. I got their replies back very quickly, and all of them told me to contact them when the baby comes... As for the guys, Ash and I hung out with them and said our thank-yous and everything... I also got to hang out with Rebel for a few days. And finally, to thank all the fans that sent us stuff, Ash and I made a you-tube video and put it up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. 

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