Chapter 1

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"-upstairs, first door on your left is the bathroom, the door beside that is where I keep all the towels, sheets, pillow cases and such." My elder sister Amelia explained as I set my belongings on the living room floor. I gazed at my surroundings and sighed softly, this plain apartment is my new home. "The room beside that is mine and across the bathroom is yours."

I gave her a soft smile as she sent me a broad one in return, "Thanks Amelia."

"You know to call me Ellie," she smirked while grabbing her keys that were once on the kitchen counter. She wrapped her arms around my small figure and almost killed me with her deathly grip, "I'm so sorry I can't be here with you here on your first night."

"Its fine," I replied as she let me go.

"No it's not Faye," she responded sadly while rubbing my arms soothingly. "I know we haven't had much of a relationship in the past, but I'd really like us to start fresh. I've got the day off tomorrow so I can take you to school and pick you up after. We can drive down to the mall and go shopping," she said while eyeing my suitcase on the floor, "You obviously need more clothes."

"Yeah," I breathed sadly.

"Well I best be off," she smiled warmly while giving my shoulder a soft squeeze. I looked into her gentle brown eyes-they were always so comforting. "I'll see you in the morning when I get home from work."

"You work horrible hours," I said as she nodded in agreement.

"It could be worse," she replied while walking to the front door. She rested her manicured hand upon the knob and turned it gently, "I've already cooked dinner, but sadly I can't cook for shit so I won't be offended if you make something else." She grinned while walking out the door, "See you later Faye!"

"Bye Ame-Ellie," I corrected as she closed the door. As soon as she left, I felt extremely awkward-I was stuck in this apartment by myself. I don't want to be here, I want to be at home with my parents in Manchester. But I guess it's my own fault I'm not there, and it's my fault my parents aren't here now.

I brought this on myself.

Sighing, I walked over to my suitcase and held it by the handle. I started walking up the stairs and the wood creaked with every step I took, brilliant.

Finally, I reached the top of the staircase and strolled to my door. "Home sweet home," I mumbled while resting my hand on the handle. I turned it slowly and opened the door, revealing an empty room. To my sight, there was only a cabinet, a full length mirror and queen sized bed with a window hanging above it. I placed my suitcase on the ground, walked to the bed and collapsed onto it.

What had I done to deserve this? I was a good kid. Sure my grades weren't perfect, but never have I ever broken the law. I've always been loyal with friendship, but throughout my sixteen years of breathing in oxygen, I've only had three friends and all of them were in kindergarten.

It never bothered me growing up without any friends, I always had my parents... but I don't have them anymore and I've never felt lonelier. Sure, I've got Amelia but she's ten years older than I am. Her relationship with our parents wasn't a good one and to this day, I have no idea why.

Although I am thankful she's taken my under her wing, I cannot wait to get out of London. I plan to finish my schooling here and go to university back in Manchester. Hopefully high school should be a breeze.

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