Chapter 14

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"You think you can disobey me without a punishment? You think you can escape without being caught?" Harry sneered. I watched him circle me while I sat helplessly bound to a chair. My wrists were secured with rope behind my back. My clothes were thrown to the ground and torn, now leaving me bare, wearing only my black bra and red polka underwear. "You hold so much hope for escape, don't you kitten?"

He kneeled before me, his stone cold eyes burning into mine.

"Well I'm going to destroy what's left of that hope," he said, gripping my chin, his rough fingers pressing harshly into my soft skin. "I'm going to remove the hope that's slowly growing inside you. I'm going to destroy it."

Harry's spare hand snaked to my ankle, his fingers slowly moving higher, lightly grazing my soft skin in the process. His palm rested on my knee cap and I pressed my thighs together, fear evident among my features; I knew there was no point hiding it, I was fooling no one.

Harry detached his hand that gripped my chin and moved it to my other knee, pushing them apart abruptly. I winced in pain as my thigh muscles were being stretched beyond their limits. His head lowered to my legs and his lips began to attack my flesh with hot, hungry kisses.

I was afraid.

There was no sign of the kind boy in the store. He was gone-vanished-without a trace.

My legs were trembling as his head moved higher, his lips now attacking my upper thighs. "I'm going to do whatever it takes for you to realize you're mine kiteen, and you are not going anywhere." He growled into my skin. His teeth clamped around a small part of my flesh and I hissed in pain, a harsh stinging sensation equating through me.

His hand collided with the side of my thigh roughly, my fat bouncing from the forceful impact.

"Don't make a sound."

"Harry, please," I mumbled, trying my best to speak through the material he tied between my teeth, "I didn't-"


His hand connected with my thigh once again with a greater force... but I didn't feel pain. His hits weren't hard enough to inflict that and I knew he could slap me harder. But instead of pain and agony, I felt as though a warm fire was being lit in the pit of my stomach.

"Shut up." He growled, looking up to me through his lashes, his dark orbs clouded. "You have not earned the right to speak. Do I make myself clear?"

I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath, my teeth clattering against each other as I nodded.

"Good." He said while getting to his feet. "Now open your eyes."

I did as he commanded, his back facing me as he moved toward the bed. He only wore his black, Calvin Klein briefs and nothing else, the rest of his body on show. I watched as his back muscles tensed as he leant forward, capturing something within his large hands-something unknown to me. What it is, I don't know, and I'm unsure if I want to find out.

His arms fell limp to his side as he turned to face me, his facial structure masked, his poker face on display. I hated it when he did this, placing a block upon his emotions. I have no clue as to what he's thinking; no hint, no warning, no nothing. He was completely still and motionless. Even his eyes-which to an old tale-is meant to be the window to the soul, but as he came closer, his orbs revealed nothing. His eyes were as dark as this moment; terrifying, cold. There was nothing there.

Did that mean Harry Styles, had no soul?

He again kneeled in the same position as before and my knee's clamped together. His jaw tensed and he slapped my thigh, the fire in my stomach growing, "Kitten, if you resist, this will only be harder for you."

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