Chapter 18

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I could hear the soft tapping of his shoes as they walked on the polished floors, mixed in with the sounds of my heavy breathing and drumming heartbeat. I continued to aimlessly stare ahead, not holding the confidence to look my living nightmare in his intensifying, green eyes. The eye's I've tried so hard to forget.

He found me.

"I thought you promised that you'd always come back to me." Harry spoke in a hushed tone, circling my body that dangled lifelessly from the ceiling.

He found me.

I was entirely bare-he tore off all my clothing, leaving me completely exposed to his eyes. He had bound my wrists together with rope and let me hang from the roof; he watched as I dangled there helplessly, staring with at me with a sick, twisted grin.

My brain had begun to throb minutes ago from crying and being slapped multiple times-my legs had been scratched, stabbed and bruised from the small pocket knife he carried. Each time I spoke or cried in protest, he'd leave a painful mark upon my skin, explaining how he was teaching me a lesson on how to keep my 'pretty little mouth shut'.

I had entirely given up by the third marking; my body was no longer able to keep up with the continuous pain Harry was forcing upon me. It was insufferable. And yet, the boy who had once cried on my shoulder, looked up to me with no sign of remorse, sorrow or shame.

"You did say that, didn't you?" he taunted from behind me. I felt his large hand trail up my back, his movements not at all gentle as his fingers pressed painfully into my skin. I hissed as he grabbed a fistful of my hair, forcefully tugging my locks backwards, craning my neck, "I always keep my word and all I asked was for yours in return."

I remained quiet, tears falling freely down my cheeks with no shame. I was naked, beaten and spat at-I don't exactly have much dignity left.

"Now you have nothing to say?" he ridiculed, his voice rising, "Nothing you're slutty little mouth can spit out?"

He gave my hair one last tug then let it go with, leaving me no time to recover. The next thing I knew he was standing in front of me, his knife in hand, his eyes turning into slits at my mere presence. "You're fucking worthless; I don't even understand why I fucking kept you. I should've let you go and watch you drown in the pool when I had the chance."

Tears blurred my vision, Harry's infuriated appearance distorted from the liquid falling from my eyes.

This was a dream-well, a nightmare actually. I've been having the same night terror night after night, the same blood chilling scenario repeating over and over. Only recently I've gained the ability to realize the different between reality and my mind playing painful tricks-deceiving me-causing my brain to think all of this is real... that Harry has found me.


He grinned up at me, his sinister eyes silently laughing at me. "You're pathetic," he spat.


"I will find you," he told me, "And when I do, it'll be the day you wish you were never born."


"This is one of your many bad dreams," he pointed out with a solemn expression. He took one step forward; his posture straightening as his hand grasped my chin, "And when I find you, your punishment won't be different from any other night terror."


"Except this time, kitten, you won't be able to wake up."


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