Chapter 7

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"What about someone who reviews movies?" My mother asked while moving the mouse and clicking random buttons.

"Ruby, I don't think she'd be good at that." My father responded while resting one hand on the table and the other on the chair, leaning in to get a better look at the screen. "She hasn't even watched The Green Mile yet."

I was standing in the kitchen, completely baffled about what they were going on about. I placed the peanut butter on the kitchen bench before licking the remains off my fingers and trotted behind them. I stood on my tippy toes and stretched my neck, glancing over my father's shoulder to see what the fuss was about. "What are you guys looking at?" I asked as they jumped, obviously not aware I was within their presence.

"Oh Faye," my father breathed while linking his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer, giving me full view to what they were going about; a career page? "We were just strolling through the web and came across this glorious website."

"There are so many great things on an internet!" my mother exclaimed proudly as if she found the cure for cancer.

"Anyway, since you're about to start first year of high school, we think it might be fun to see what career path you'd like to follow." My father added while pointing at something on the monitor, "How about a Marine Biologist?"

"Honey, she's scared of the water."

"I'm not scared of the water," I replied helplessly while crossing my arms over my chest, "I'm just scared about what's inside the water."

"And she can't swim," my mother justified.

It wasn't my fault I never learned the technic before, I just never found the time to swim. But it doesn't matter anyway, it's not like we have good beaches or anything here in Manchester.

"What about a personal trainer?"

"I'm not doing exercise," I stated firmly, "I'd rather swim."

"Swimming is exercise, sweetie," My mother laughed.

"Well what about a Chief?"

"Oh that's the good one!" my mother chirped while typing it into the search bar.

"I barely know how to cook!" I replied helplessly while reaching for the mouse, "Pick something else!"

"But you're a great at it," my dad exclaimed while grabbing my arm. "You make killer... toast."

"Toast?" I repeated in an unimpressed tone. I at least thought he'd come up with a better lie than that.

"You have such potential darling; we can even get you lessons!" My mother grinned while jumping out of the chair, "John, you get the phone book and start ringing."

"But mum..." I groaned as my father ran into the living room, soon to be replaced by my mother's comforting embrace.

"My daughter's going to be a profession Chief," she sighed happily. "Take that Mandy, you cow." she muttered to herself.

Ah Mandy, my mother's "frenemy". She always went on about her son Michael and how he's doing in the police force. Ever since I can remember, it's always been a bit of a competition between them as to who had the better kid. Unlike my mother, Mandy always took it to the extreme with Michael, she even sent him away to pursue his career. I felt bad for him, he was basically thrown into the life of the defence force, and it made me grateful for the life I have now.

My head was throbbing; the familiar feeling came rushing back, like when Liam knocked me out the day before. This was happening too frequently.

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