Chapter 17 Part 3

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I dashed out of the room; my first intention was to find Eleanor so we could discuss mine and Harry's pervious physical activity. But somehow, I found myself locked in a dark laundry room.

When I first left Harry's chambers, I could immediately hear running water coming from the bathroom, even though I was at the opposite end of the hallway. But just as I was about to relax, the sound of liquid hitting glass muted, meaning Harry was soon going to leave the shower.

I honestly didn't understand what had overcome me at that point, but the thought of seeing Harry face-to-face after what just happened terrified me. I glanced to my left, noticing the laundry door was left ajar and jumped inside immediately, closing the door behind me.

And that's how I ended up here.

I let an uneasy breath escape from my mouth and rested my back against the door, slowly sliding downwards until my butt landed softly on the floor. I wish I had quickly thrown on something over the swimsuit I wore.

I ran my hands through my hair and began to think about everything; how had things become so complicated?

My plan was so simple; escape. That was it from the get-go, but now I can feel myself drifting further and further away from my goal. I know my current thoughts are completely absurd and illogical, but it's extremely difficult to think straight around Harry without my heart attempting to leap from my chest. I'm forgiving this boy way too easily; Harry hit me an hour ago, and forty minutes later we were dry humping without a care in the world, like nothing had ever happened... oh god.

Heat rose to my cheeks, a blush sure on its way as I recalled the physical activity Harry and I had partaken in. The mere thought made my thighs quiver, my stomach doing summersaults as my heart threatened to burst through my heavy chest.

I've never done anything along those lines before, which to anyone is no secret. I just can't believe in that heated moment, my mind and body had been possessed by this... hunger. It was an overpowering feeling that was much stronger than I had ever anticipated. It was like a monster had been unleashed within the dark confides of my soul, and it craved nothing more than Harry's touch.

There were no deep, meaningful words that were exchanged between us during the moment. He never once asked if he was moving too fast, he never once looked into my eyes with adoration and not once did he tell me he cared for me. But then again, I didn't tell him anything like that either. I kept it all inside my head, saving my inner most personal thoughts to myself.

One thing was for sure; the moment was filled with pure lust, and the only exchange of words were the heavy moans... the way he growled in my ear... how he attacked my skin with forceful kisses, sure to leave blue and purple marks the next day...

Calm down, Faye.

I cupped my flushed cheeks, cooling down my heated skin with my icy palms. I inhaled sharply when I remembered the loud, animalistic sounds that had escaped my mouth earlier on, surely to be heard throughout the entire household. I had completely forgotten Harry and I weren't alone in this place-the thought never occurred to me that Niall was waiting outside, or that Louis was still raging somewhere within these walls, or that Eleanor may have been sleeping in her room, only to be awakened by the sounds coming from me.

Oh dear lord, how embarrassing.

I heard a door open outside the room, but I had absolutely no clue who it might be-Harry, probably. My upper body became stiff, my legs subconsciously lifting themselves so my knee's rested beneath my chin. I held my breath as the footsteps came closer, although I could hear my heart thumping rapidly in my ears.

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