Chapter 8

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It's been three days since I've had any contact with Harry. I haven't seen him, I haven't spoken to him and I have no idea where he is. My days at school had been nothing but an emotional roller-coaster, word got out about Harry and I making out in the club and then abruptly leaving. I've had different stares with many emotions behind them whilst walking through the school halls; fear, pity, curiosity, repulsion and even some hints of jealousy.

Each time I had forgotten about Harry, the endless gazes would be a reminder along with the bruises he gave me. But Becca and Ashton were my constant distraction. They had been by my side throughout the whole ordeal, my guardian angles. Every time I looked somewhat sad or felt uneasy, they'd always find some way to cheer me up, whether it included horrible puns from the internet or embarrassing themselves in the public eye, each time leaving me feeling warm and giddy inside.

Talk began to die down around the school on Friday but people still avoided me and to be honest, I didn't care. I've spent majority of my life being ignored by my peers in Manchester, so they had no effect on me.

It was a Saturday night and I've just finished preparing myself for Kelsey Ambers' open house party. At first I really didn't want to go, but Becca and Ashton had forced me into reconsidering since I've had a pretty hectic week.

I eyed myself in the full-length mirror, turning my upper body to the left, then to the right as my hips stayed in place. This is the first party I've ever attended and I was a bit worried about what to wear. Ashton told me not to go all out but Becca said otherwise-so I settled on wearing my sky blue jeans with a cream coloured loose shirt and matching flats. It wasn't at all over the top and I liked it.

As I stared at myself in the mirror, I removed my elastic band that was tied around my hair and let my locks fall loosely over my shoulders. I used my hands to fix any loose ends and once done, I smiled happily into the mirror. For once, I actually don't look too shabby.

"You sure clean up well."

I flinched at the sudden voice, only to discover Ellie standing in the door way grinning. "Thanks," I beamed while grabbing my phone from the bed. I unlocked the screen and peered at the time: 8:15 pm. Ashton and Becca should be here in five minutes to pick me up.

"You've been extra jittery lately," Ellie commented as I bit down on my tongue. Ever since Eleanor dropped me off from Harry's, I've been on full alert for that mop of curls. I couldn't help but jump each time someone touched me when I had no idea of their presence. When I came back to school on Thursday, Jake snuck up behind me and covered my eyes with his hands.

I accidently punched him but it did more damage to my wrist than his face.

"When I was at Becca's we watched Saw III, that movie really freaked me out." I lied while shoving my phone into my pocket. I hadn't told Ellie about my encounter with Harry. I was going to, I really was... but I was scared of her reaction. I was worried in case they'd turn on her if I screwed up, but would she hate me for not listening to her? I mean it's not like I could do anything about it, but I didn't want be a burden upon her.

I can handle Harry.

Don't kid yourself, Faye.

"I hate scary movies," Ellie shuttered while leaning against the door, "I just don't see the point of them. Why would you want to watch something that's going to keep you up at night?"

I shrugged, "She thought it'd be fun."

"Well I don't want you watching any more horror movies." she stated with a tone of authority, although it didn't have any effect on me. After spending time with Harry and hearing his tone of authority, everyone else sounded like miniature poodles whereas Harry took the form of a vicious blood hound.

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