Chapter 12

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One hundred and sixty eight hours.

That's how long it's been. One week: seven days: one hundred sixty eight hours.

Harry has been in and out of the house the whole time, there's been no sign of Louis and I've been stuck inside all week. I'm going crazy. I'm constantly bored and have nothing else to do but drown in my depressing thoughts; it's been torcher.

Harry is usually gone during the day due to his business, claiming that people haven't been paying what they owe. I barely see him, the only reason I know he's home is when he crawls into bed in the middle of the night, only to disappear before sunrise. On Wednesday he was home early and the boys visited for Harry's benefit, I immediately went into his room, not particularly wanting to associate with them.

He never talks about Eleanor; neither of us has since the night she died. It was too hard. I still try not to think about it, but it's hard when you're stuck in this large house by yourself with only your thoughts to keep you company. So far the only thing we've discussed is her funeral plans for tomorrow afternoon. He told me we're burying an empty coffin since they couldn't retrieve her body in time. More men began swarming in just as Liam got me out of there; more of Scott's men.

Yes, they were working for Scott, now with the addition of Amelia.

She began working with him the minute I left with Harry; she wants revenge on all the boys.

I still haven't received my stuff from Amelia's house; everything I own is still there, my clothes, my make-up, my jewellery... etc. But now it's all tainted, I don't want any of it anymore. For the past seven day's I've been dressing myself in Harry's clothes, he didn't mind, it wasn't like anyone was going to see me during the day.

It was only early in the morning and I had just made my way into the kitchen. I sat down on the stool and rested my elbows on the cool tiles, letting a sad sigh leave my lips. Another day I'll be spending alone.

I miss Eleanor so much.

She was the only shed of light in this house, I hate it here. It's filled with nothing but bad memories. Every night I've begged Harry to take me out of this house and each time I receive the same answer: 'tomorrow'. He's literally locked me inside, I've tried escaping through the doors and windows, but everything is barricaded shut. There's no way out. I'm stuck.

I'm sick of it.

Living this way isn't healthy, I know he's still grieving with the loss of Eleanor as well, but that doesn't mean he can keep me caged in here. I'm starting to get excited when Harry gets home because I have someone to talk to. But he barely acknowledges my existence since he's always so tired.

I've been able to call Becca during my lonesome days, but I haven't heard a word from Ashton since the party. He's constantly on my mind. How is he under the protection of the boys? Which one? Why?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the front door open, revealing two girls walking into the room with Louis trailing behind them. Louis.

I stood from my seat with a frown evident on my face. It's been one week, and the first time he decided to show up, he brings in two whores. I don't know what Eleanor was going on about; he doesn't bring home beautiful girls. They look like something found in a sewage pipe. "Second door on the left ladies," he said to the girls. With a giggle, they ran off in the direction he was pointing, soon disappearing into the room.

My mouth fell open, shocked at what he's doing.

Eleanor gave up her life for this man.

"What the hell are you doing?" I barked.

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