Chapter 10

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I sat on Harry's bed; my knee's pulled up beneath my chin as my toes began to tap on the soft covers. I stared aimlessly at the wall ahead of me, my thoughts beyond clouded from what had happened last night.

No Faye, stop thinking about it.

Other than that, I had somewhat of a peaceful sleep. Excluding the times I woke up because Harry hogged the mattress, resulting into almost knocking me off the bed and onto the floor numerous times. He also kept waking me up, declaring that I was stealing the blanket and my hair kept fanning in his face. We even tried sleeping head to toe, but since Harry is such a restless sleeper, he kicked me in the face countless times.

Yeah, it was somewhat peaceful.

Somehow I drifted into a deep sleep, only waking up twenty minutes ago alone. It had to be early judging by the lack of sun seeping through his curtains. My mind continued to float back to Harry last night, and how he acted towards me.

He was... kind?

A side I've never seen in him.

But I won't ever see that side of him again, I know better than that. It's not worth getting my hopes up only for them to be demolished in return.

A soft knock sounded from the door. I looked up to see Eleanor's head seeping through the crack with a warm smile. "Good morning sweetie," she cooed while stepping into the room.

"Hey," I replied, my voice sounding unpleasant and croaky from just waking up.

"I've made breakfast. It's nothing fancy, just bacon and eggs." She announced, "Would you like some?"

To be honest, food was the last thing on my mind, but either way I loved having Eleanor around. "Sure," I grinned.

She gave me a broad smile as I jumped off the bed. I followed herer out of the room and into the kitchen. Instantly the orgasmic smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils, causing my stomach to growl with hunger and desire.

She moved to one side of the bench and I the other. I sat upon the stool and wasted no time with digging into my food, steam radiating off the bacon. I grabbed my fork and shovelled the eggs into my mouth, feeling the delicious yolk dance upon my taste buds.

"Enjoying that," she teased.

"I didn't realize how hungry I was," I moaned as I place a piece of bacon in my mouth. "Mother of god..."

She laughed lightly before she began to eat.

"So how did you sleep?" she asked.

"Alright I guess," I replied, "Harry is such a restless sleeper."

She giggled at my response while cutting her bacon, her knife and fork making a high pitched sound as it collided with the plate. "Just letting you know, it's rare that you'll wake up with him next to you."

"What do you mean?"

"The boys are always busy with work, so usually they'll be gone before the sun rises."

I nodded at her reply and looked down at my food, wondering whether or not I should ask about Scott. If I'm going to be living here with Harry, I should at least know something about their enemy.

"So uh, what's the deal with Scott? I mean like... who is he?"

She looked up to me cautiously, "Um... he uh, he's... not a good person."

I frowned, unhappy with the lack of information I was receiving.

"I'm going to need a little more of a description," I pressed. "I don't mean to be pushy, but I think it's only fair I know something about the guy since I'm going to be living here for god knows how long."

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