Chapter 3

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Just like every other girl, I always pictured what my first kiss would be like.

I imagined it being romantically spontaneous with the man of my dreams. He'd hold my waist gently, as if I were a delicate flower that would falter if he held me too tightly. He'd look into my eyes with nothing but love within them - revealing how much he truly cared for me. I'd run my hands carefully through his hair as he'd pull me closer into his body. I'd feel warm and safe within his loving embrace. Then, he'd caress my cheek with his thumb as he'd lean towards me, lightly brushing his lips against mine ever so softly before deepening the kiss.

But the way Harry kissed me... I wasn't prepared for it at all.

It was against my will. He wasn't holding me like a delicate flower, he didn't look at me with love in his eyes, I didn't feel safe within his embrace and he wasn't being soft or gentle.

He was rough, forceful and petrifying.

I attempted to pull my wrists out of his grasp, hoping in some way he'd let me go. But I was helpless. He moved one of his legs between mine and parted my thighs while-if it were even possible-pushing himself further into me.

His body was enormous compared to my small figure, if someone were to walk past they'd barely see me beneath him.

He let out a raspy moan as he grinded against me; I felt disgusted. He moved one hand over both my wrists securely as he let his other roam my sides. I started thrashing my body as his hand cupped my breast, giving it a harsh squeeze.

I gasped at the sudden impact and he used that as his cue to enter his tongue into my mouth. His hand continued fondling my boob as I felt a wave of anger wash through my body.

I clamped my teeth around his tongue and instantly tasted his blood. He hissed in pain while moving off me, still holding my wrists. "What the fuck!" he barked angrily, starring down into my fearful eyes. I took the chance to realise my wrists from his grasp, and slapped him across the face. I heard students gasp, followed by footsteps echoing down the halls as they ran away.

I held my bag tightly as I turned on my heel to run. I've never been a good runner; I was always one of those students who hid in the bathroom while others ran laps. Now, I regretted it immensely.

Almost instantly, I could hear his loud footsteps getting louder behind me. I knew he'd catch up, but I refused to give in this easily. I used all the strength I could muster and pushed myself further than I ever had before. I could feel my forehead start to throb at my sudden run as my surroundings started to get blurry.

As I neared the doors, I subconsciously started slowing down as the pain returned. I wasn't going to make it outside.

I felt his large hand grasp my legs, causing me to trip over my own feet and fall to the ground harshly. Harry flipped me over and straddled my hips, once again, limiting my movements. His hands trailed to the hem of my shorts, slowly peeling them off as I let out a piercing scream.

His hand collided with my cheek, causing even more pain to pulse through my body. I've never been hit before in my life. Never. Not by a girl, not by my family, not even by a child! My body was paralysed with fear. I felt even weaker as everything became blurrier than before. His face hovered above mine with a chilling grin lingering on his stupid face, "No one's going to help you, kitten. No matter how loud you scream."

He started unbuckling my denim shorts and I let out a silent cry-this can't be happening. Not in the middle of the school! This is barbaric!

"N-No, don't d-do this. Please!" I whimpered as hot tears flew freely down my flushed cheeks. I started panicking as he lowered my pants, revealing my red nickers to his sights. He hummed in satisfaction and I thrashed like never before. "I haven't d-done anything to you!"

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