Chapter 6

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I ran as fast as my little legs could take me.

A stitch was brewing beneath my left ribcage as I turned yet another corner. My head was throbbing from the small dose of alcohol I consumed. I followed the dimly lit street light, my bare feet beginning to hurt as they became scuffed and bruised from the cement. The dress I wore kept riding up my thighs every five seconds and I struggled to keep it down. I have no bloody clue where I was after I passed a few streets, but I'm well away from Harry and that was the main thing.

I came to a halt and pulled out my phone-I wanted to call for help but there's no point in dialling the police and I don't want to drag anyone into this mess I was in. Well that idea was pointless.

I unlocked the screen and peered at the time: 11:34 pm. I've been on the run for at least 30 minutes and it's almost midnight-where the hell am I meant to sleep?

With a sigh, I put my phone in my trusty bra and decided to walk to my unknown destination.

How did I get myself into this mess? Everybody says it's because I'm 'innocent'. Well I'm sorry for not getting drunk and having meaningless sex with strangers. I never knew that was a crime I'd be punished for.

I just want my old life back. I want to go back home with my parents and play Monopoly while watching my dad steal a few hundred dollars because he was banker. My mother would always yell at him for doing that and he'd blame it on me. He claimed he was taking the money for child support.

Oh I miss them so much... yet it's my fault they're gone.

I still remember their death as if it were tattooed in my brain. One night I was getting ready to go to the movies-by myself of course-and my parents stayed home because it was getting late. I left just before they went to bed.

After watching 21 Jump Street at the cinemas, I took a cab ride home and I almost fainted at the sight before me. Ashes were floating through the poisonous air as three enormous fire trucks were parked on the curb beside two ambulances. Numerous firemen were scouting the area of my burnt lawn; my house that was once an elegant white... was charcoal black. I remember tears streaming down my face as two bodies were wheeled into the ambulance vehicles-my parents.

A few nights later the firemen detected the cause of the flame-a candle I left lit down stairs. Their room was on the second story and by the time they awoke, the house was too weak and collapsed from beneath them.

It's my fault their gone. If I had just blown out the candle-or even not lit it at all-they'd still be on this earth and I wouldn't be wondering these streets alone. But maybe being here is my punishment. What if Harry is my horrible karma?

Tears started to pool my eyes but I refused to cry. That's all I've been doing for the past two days. Two days. That's how long I've been in London and look at me? Look at the hurricane I've been thrown into. This isn't how I should be spending my teenage years. I should be out with friends and having a summer romance.

Or eating tacos.

As I was just about to turn another corner, my boob started to vibrate and the sound of Katy Perry filled the silent air. Frowning, I realized it was my phone and someone was calling me. I pulled my mobile out of my bra and glanced at the caller ID.


It took me a few seconds to build up the courage to answer. "Hello?"

"You know I don't like it when people disobey me," Harry growled into the phone, "And now, you've pissed me off."

I stopped walking and clung onto my mobile with fear.

"I thought you'd be a good girl... I guess I was wrong. But since you're new, I'm going to be generous make a deal with you, kitten," he continued, "Liam and I are parked outside your house-"

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