Chapter 5

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I woke up in darkness.

The only hint of light I could detect were the street lamps seeping through the curtains. I propped myself on my elbows, feeling the soft mattress springs move comfortably from beneath me. Okay, so I'm on a bed.

I massaged my temples while racking my brain for some kind of hint as to where I might be. The last thing I remember was being in English... then Liam came in and told me he was taking me to Harrys. Then, he drugged me.

I'm at Harrys.


I immediately jumped from the bed, I but felt a restraint on my left wrist. I looked down at the object holding me to the bed head, but it was too dark to make it out what it was. I jerked the restrained by the grassy string and realized it felt like rope.

"No..." I muttered while giving the vine another tug, "No, no, no, no!"

This cannot be happening! I can't be tied to a bed that belongs to a crazed maniac! I need to get out of here.

Suddenly, there was light.

I could see the white walls, the faded black bed sheets, the stained creamed carpet, a two seated wine coloured couch... and Harry standing by the door. I shuttered and instantly backed to the wall, creating as much distance as I could.

My breath hitched as his hand trailed down from the light switch-his eyes were darker than yesterday. He looked pissed. "Finally we can leave," he muttered while chucking my phone on the bed, "Your sister has been calling non-stop. You were meant to tell her you're staying at a friend's tonight, why didn't you?"

Don't let him get to you Faye! Stand up for yourself!

"I-I..." I stuttered, the words in my brain not connecting with my vocal cords.

C'mon Faye, say something...

"Call her and tell her you won't be home tonight." he ordered while sitting on the two seater couch.

I nodded and picked up my phone. What the hell am I doing? What happened to the strong, confident Faye that wasn't going to take shit from anyone?

When I looked down to unlock my phone, I realized I was wearing a completely different attire. Instead of wearing my jumper and skinny jeans, I wore a tight strapless red dress that ended mid-thigh. Does that mean he... "You undressed me!" I spat while looking to him. "You're disgusting, you had no right!"

"Since you're new to this town," he said lowly while standing on his feet, "You obviously don't know how things run around here."

"I don't care if you're the bloody Queen of England; you had no right undress me!"

I regretted my words as soon as the corner of his lip curled into a smirk. He stretched his neck from one side to the other while walking my way with long, easy strides. His black boots made a small noise each time they connected to the ground; his shoulders were broad and strong with the leather jacket he wore. He basically sported all black clothing; black shoes, black jeans, black jacket and a black shirt, revealing his strong chest.

He placed his index finger under my chin and lifted it, forcing me to stare into his piercing irises. "I'm going to give you a small warning now, kitten. If you ever talk to me with such disrespect again, you'll be in foster care."

My stomach dropped at his words. He spoke so softly, yet his words were horrifying.

"Have we come to an understanding?"

I nodded in response and he planted a light kiss on my forehead. Harry pulled something from his pocket, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from his. Although his green orbs were beyond terrifying... they're extremely captivating.

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