Chapter 21

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Everything packed?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

I readjusted my crutches so they fit contently beneath my armpit, but that was close to impossible. It was extremely uncomfortable and I can predict in my near future that I'm going to attempt to rearrange them, again. These things are bloody ridiculous.

"So how are we getting there again?" I asked Eleanor.

She was standing at Joanna's bed, leaning over the mattress in an attempt to properly enclose her filled to the brim suitcase. She had clothes seeping out from the zipper at the lack of room her carry-on bag allowed her to have. She obviously over packed for the trip.

"Plane," she huffed, seemingly out of breath. She hissed sharply and drew back her hand, immediately placing her index finger inside her mouth, sucking on the skin. "Got my finger."

Removing her pointer, Eleanor quickly shook her hand to somewhat eliminate the pain, and continued to close her overflowing suitcase. I watched as her eyebrows creased together in concentration, her lips pulling into a fine line as she became persistent to achieve her goal. She raised her left leg and moved it to the foot of the bed, pushing, striving to somehow seal the overflowing bag.

I laughed lightly and hopped towards the doorway, feeling drowsy, and uneasy in my stomach. Eleanor and Joanna made me eat jam on toast and, consume some freshly squeezed orange juice this morning - since I hadn't eaten anything in days - but all it did was make me feel like vomiting.

"You need some help?" I offered.

"No," she heaved, using her leg to add some strength. "I've got it under control."

With two more heavy tugs - and a large number of profanities - Eleanor jumped from the bed with her hands high in the air, shouting gleefully with a large smile on her face, "Yes! That's right baby, score!"

The corners of my lips curved into a small smile, adorning how happy she was by the small action. After last night, Eleanor and Joanna remained awake with me and we discussed small topics, little things that made me happy. We chatted away until the sun was shining high and bright into the morning, with cups of warm tea situation within our palms.

I didn't forget, though.

About an hour ago Joanna left when Louis claimed he needed her assistance, but neither Eleanor nor I had witnessed her since then. I questioned Eleanor why Louis would need her, but each time her reply was a small shrug. She didn't seem worried by Joanna's disappearance, but it certainly had me in a pool of worry.

"What's going to happen when we get to London?" I inquired, voicing a question that lingered in my mind. "I mean, what's going to happen to Joanna? And what's going to happen to me?"

Eleanor looked over her shoulder, her wavy hair blocking majority of her soft features. She turned around completely and walked over to me, her head tilted to the side, a questionable look upon her face. "What do you mean?"

"What's Harry going to do with Joanna? He's going to at least let her live... right?"

Eleanor sighed, "I've asked him already, but he hasn't given me a definite answer."

My eyes widened, "We can't let him hurt her, not -"

"Calm down, sweetie," Eleanor hushed. "He's not going to hurt her, okay? I told him not to."

I frowned, "So... he was going to?"

"I think it's time to get you in the car," she murmured, ignoring my question. Her head bowed slightly and she moved ahead of me, widening the open door. "This way."

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