Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you don't want a lift to school?" Ellie asked while taking a bite from her burnt toast-she can't cook to save her life.

"I'm sure," I replied while grabbing my hair tie from the table. I expanded the band around my fingers and lifted my long, chestnut hair. I wrapped the elastic around my thick locks and tied it securely, making sure if I were to run, it wouldn't falter. To be honest I'm not exactly sure where the school was around this area. But when I looked outside my window, I saw students going left. Hopefully I'll find my way from that.

"Alright then," she sighed while extending her hand into the fruit basket. "Here, I noticed you didn't finish yours yesterday." she said while picking up a shiny green apple and throwing it my way.

I reached up to catch it, but instead, it slipped through my fingers and rolled outside and into the dirt. I turned and watched my favourite fruit disappear into the bushes, "I can tell this is going to be a crap day." I whispered to myself.

"Sorry," Ellie giggled while walking over to me. I put my attention back on her and noticed she held a red apple in her manicured hands, "Here, take this one." I immediately cringed and kindly declined her offer, but she refused to take no for an answer. "Faye, sometimes it's good to try new things. You might even like this kind of apple."

"But the skin-"

"Yes, yes I know the skin is weird and a bit rough." She justified while holding it directly in front of me, "But it's what's on this inside that counts. It's sweet, juicy, tender and healthy for you!"

"I'd really just rather have a green-"

"Dammit Faye," she exclaimed while throwing her hands in the air, "I'm trying to sound like a responsible adult here and you're not helping out!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I took the apple from her hands, "By making me eat a different coloured fruit?"

"Well I was trying to send some sort of subliminal message in there. You know, like dad always did." She sighed while running a hand through her hair. "You don't have to eat it-"

"No it's fine," I grinned while looking down to the apple. What's the harm? Sure the skin looked rough and I haven't eaten a red apple in years, but it shouldn't taste differently, right? I took a deep breath, gave her an easy smile sunk my teeth into the fruit.

It definitely tastes weird and surprisingly soft... too soft.

I pulled the fruit back and looked at where I had taken my bite-the inside was black and mouldy. I gagged outrageously while throwing it outside like it was on fire. I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen and spat the remains of the apple into the sink.

Yep, this day is going to be crap.

"What's wrong with it?" Ellie asked anxiously as I moved away from the sink.

"It was rotten," I muttered while using the sleave of my shirt to wipe away the excess water and apple. "Not even Satan would force that on his worst enemy."

She frowned and at her mistake and lowered her head, "Alright, I'll get you another green apple."

"I think I've lost my appetite," I added while walking towards the front door.

"Wait!" she shouted. "Don't go yet!"

I paused at the door and glanced over my shoulder. Please don't give me another piece of fruit.

"I got this for you yesterday," she exclaimed happily while revealing a small box covered with gift wrap. Thankfully, they weren't kittens.

"You didn't have to get me anyth-"

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