Chapter 9

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"What?" I asked, confused as to what my sister had said. She began to sob harder as she clasped her hand over her mouth, supressing the cries escaping her lips. My thoughts were clouded at the point in time, I tried putting together what she had said but it wasn't making any sense. "What are you trying to say? You and dad..."

Then it clicked.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," she babbled.

She was adopted; she wasn't related by blood to my parents. So she fucked my dad.

I slowly looked up to her, a horrified expression was plastered upon my face, revolution sprouting inside my stomach, hatred burning through my pulse, "You..." I was unable to speak; I had to look away from her.

She... and my father...

"Faye..." she said softly, small sobs escaping her mouth. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I stood up abruptly. The thought of her touching my dad with those hands disgusted me, and now she was touching me. Just thinking of the fact we lived under the same roof disgusted me; the thought of her breathing at the moment, disgusted me.

"What the fuck!" I screamed as rage took over my body. He was my father! He and my mother were the only people I had growing up, and to find out she had been fucking him the entire time!

I wanted to destroy something, I wanted to destroy her! I took two small steps towards the imposter and slapped her across the face, equating the sound of a harsh smack to echo through the air. She stumbled backwards in shock and I lunged towards her, raising my hand to harm her once more but I was pulled away.

"Faye," Louis warned while restraining me but I continued to thrash in his hold.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you fucking retarded, are you sick in the fucking head!" I spat as she fell to the ground, even more tears escaping as she did so. Anger grew at the sight of her, how dare she sit there and cry when see caused all of this. "You are a fucking monster, you are disgusting! That was my father, a married man, did you not care to think about me finding out or how this would affect me or our family?"

By this point my mind began to cloud, my head was pounding with this new information and all my anger was raising.

"He had a wife, my mother... oh god, mum." My heart began to ache when I thought about it. He was married to her and fucking his 'daughter' under the same roof. I looked down to her with disgust, my body feeling limp as tears began to pool my eyes. "How could you?"

"Faye, let's grab your things." Louis suggested. With a sigh, I nodded in response, knowing there was no way in hell I'm going to sleep under the same roof as her.

"No!" Ellie shouted while lunging towards Louis, "She is not leaving with you!"

"What? You expect me to stay here?" I barked as Louis' arms fell from my waist, only to be replaced with another pair. I looked up to see the familiar green orbs that I feared more than anything. Harry was staring down at me with a blank expression-no hint of worry or concern flashing within his irises-he didn't have a care in the world.

I felt angered by that. I felt like complete shit because he didn't show any kindness toward me. I didn't expect much from him; I never thought he'd hug me or say sweet things, but he could at least show some kind of support for something he had caused.

If it weren't for him, Ellie and I would still a happy family and I'd be completely oblivious of her dark past. Everything would be back to normal, but no. Now I have to live with this horrible black cloud hanging over my head; living with a storm that will never pass.

"Eleanor, go upstairs and grab some clothes for Faye," he said while cupping my flushed cheek, "We'll take everything else tomorrow."

My brow furrowed at him, my thoughts becoming clearer as he stared down at me. He didn't care. He didn't give one shit about me or my well-being. He wanted me to know about what Ellie had done so I'd have no choice but to move in; this is what he wanted, I've fallen right into his trap.

"No," I spoke weakly. I pressed my hands to his chest and lightly pushed him away, using all the energy that I had left-which was basically none by now. "I'm not going home with you." I can't.

"Kitten, don't argue with me."

"This was all a part of you plan," I croaked as the tears blurred my sight. "You-You wanted me to find out so badly at the party, you knew how much this would kill me. The only reason I know now is because you pushed, and pushed and pushed me into finding out! And why, what would Harry Styles gain from this?"


"He'd gain something he wanted since my first day of school, my fucking innocence." I spat while forcefully moving out of his grasp, "You knew how much this would hurt me Harry but yet, you don't care. You're Harry Styles, the boy who takes what he wants when he wants it, no matter who gets hurt in the process."

"So what? You'd rather stay living with a sister who kept this secret from you?" he asked irritably while taking a step forwards, tilting his head slightly. "I was the honest one here, kitten."

"There is a difference between being honest and being controlling, and you, Harry Styles, are not honest." I spat lowly, "You say you don't like playing games, but in reality, that's what you live for, it's what you crave. You wanted me to move in and you knew when I found out this secret that would be the first thing I'd do, I'd run straight into your arms because I wouldn't have anyone else. Well you played your cards correctly Styles; you knew I'd have nowhere else to go, but to you."

I began to think about everything that had happened. Each time I thought I was moving forward, I took three steps backwards.

I made two new friends, Becca and Ashton: I was groped by Harry in the school halls.

I thought I had escaped Harry after the club: He found me and beat me with a belt.

Tonight I was going to let go of my stress: This happened.

It really is some sort of sick game Harry has invented. Is this what my life is going to be like from now on with him in my life? Each time I try to move forward, he'll knock me backwards? Is there a point in trying if this is going to be my constant outcome?

Unless you beat him at his own game Faye.

Can I even do that, what would I win?

Your innocence, your freedom, your life back.

If I play my cards right, make him think he's won and gain his trust, I can run. I'll escape London, I'll escape my horrible past and start fresh; I'll escape Harry.

I looked into his dark orbs and swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, "You've won, Harry." I whispered. He pulled me closer to his body, the corner of his lips curving into a triumphant smirk as I continued. "I don't want to play this game anymore, I'm yours, claim your prize."

"Faye," Ellie begged from behind me. I looked to the ground before glancing over my shoulder, barely moving my body to see her. "Please, don't go with him. Don't give up."

"I gave up a long time ago, Amelia."

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