Are We on Break? (JK SPECIAL POV)

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Before, the woman even forced to sleep with him again, Jungkook made her sat down on her couch.

The woman blinked, completely confused of Jungkook's sudden change of mood.

He needs to end this; this isn't right. He's with Ein already; Ein is the one he loves the most. Ein is the only person he can't live without.

"Momo; we should end this. This is not right anymore, I made a huge mistake of continuing this even when I got into a relationship 6 months ago. I'm sorry." Jungkook said in a serious manner that even the woman, Momo, took it seriously and knows that it is not playtime for her.

Momo, although hurt and saddened by Jungkook's decision, accepted his decision; "Is that so?" She mumbles as she averted her gaze away from Jungkook.

After all, she was just some pick-up girl Jungkook happened to have met a year ago in a club one night;  After Jungkook went public with his relationship with Ein, Momo hasn't seen Jungkook anymore; but they literally to each other almost everyday. Momo knows all about Ein, Jungkook literally tells her everything about the girl and honestly, Mom loves her for Jungkook. She just wished it was her, but it's never going to happen. She knows that well enough.

She is also well aware that Jungkook will never see her in the light like how he sees Ein.

She looked at Jungkook and smiled at her, "it's alright Kookie-yah; I fully understand your decision. I'm happy for you, with all my heart. Ein is so lucky to have you."

Jungkook smiled at her and gave her a tight hug, "thank you Noona! For understanding"

Noona... Momo hasn't heard that from Jungkook ever since they first met.

Momo ushered Jungkook out of her apartment and bid her goodbye.

"Goodbye Jungkook." Momo muttered as she watch Jungkook drive away in his car by her balcony.


Jungkook; running with no sleep and proper rest, went to buy roses for Ein when he suddenly received a text.

FROM: JIN hyung

Yah, where are you? You didn't went home last night, Ein told me that you were gone already when she woke up. We have recordings to do today.


shoot! Jungkook completely forgot that they are going to do the recordings today and he hasn't rest well enough. So he rang his older brother.

JIN: Yah, JK! Where are you?!?!
JK: I had stuff to do;
JK: I know, I'm sorry. Uhm, look hyung, I haven't actually slept. So can you tell Pd-nim I'm skipping today's recording?
JIN: AISH, I hadn't know that your throat easily sores then I would have pushed you to attend the recording.
JK: Yay! Thank hyung, you're always the best!
JIN: stop with sarcasm, by the way Ein came here at the company building; Suga said she wants to see what it looks like. Also... Did you end it already?

Jungkook fell silent when his hyung asked that, he knows what Jin meant by that. Jin was the only person who knows about his side trip. "Jungkook-ah, I'm serious. I know how much you love Ein but---"

"I already ended it, hyung. That's where I went actually. I talked to her and ended it." Jungkook calmly explains.

"...and?" Jin hyung asked.

"She accepted it, I mean she knows her place and I've been telling Ein about her ever since. She knows how I feel, so it's fine." Jungkook continued on; he knows he made the right choice.

Ein is who he wants to spend his life with.

Jungkook then ends the call and focuses on to driving back to the dorm to get some sleep.

FROM: SUGA hyung

I heard everything last night. We should talk.


"Look hyung, I know it sounded really like I was cheating on Ein, but I was not!" Jungkook defended himself from his hyung who apparently asked for a day off as well just to hear his sad of the story.

"Jungkook, simple question with a yes or no answer; have you cheated on Ein?" Suga sternly asked him.

"No. But..." Jungkook started as he avert his gaze away from his hyung.

He knows he can't escape Suga hyung, but he also knows Suga hyung will try to help him and will understand his situation; that's why he's asking him. This is exactly what he did with Jimin hyung when he went crazy shit on Suga hyung's sister,

"But what, Kookie? Explain to me." Suga asks him coldly.

Jungkook tells the whole story about Momo up until to their last encounter which was last night; Suga was silent all throughout that it makes Jungkook anxious. He's a little scared of how his hyung is going to react to this.

Finally, Suga speaks, "you sure it's a place hard to be found by media?" To which Jungkook nodded.

"Well at least your makeout session with your girlfriend last night made you realize your mistake; yeah, I heard both of you last night and it was pretty awkward, I was about to stop the both of you. By Tricia's stories about her, she's a great girl Kookie. Keep her, don't hurt her." Suga explains to him while he pat his dongsaengs shoulder.

This made Jungkook smile like an idiot, someone understood him aside from Jin hyung...

"Thanks hyung! Really thank you for understanding!" Jungkook undoubtedly hugs his cold hyung; Suga smiled softly, at least this kiddo's not messing up his relationship; we raised him well enough.

"Alright, alright! Now stop with the hugs! Go take a shower and sleep, you stink." Suga jokingly told Jungkook while he covers his nose.

Jungkook pretended to punch him that made Suga flinch a little, but then it was replaced by Jungkook's laughter who was happily skipping to the bathroom.

He is still a baby after all, Suga thought as he watch him skip around.



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