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"I'm sorry, but I really can't allow you to stay in Manila, Jungkook-ah. Your schedule can't permit it." PD-nim informed Jungkook.

Jungkook is right now inside PD-nim's office talking to him about staying in Manila for the meantime. He's been trying to convince PD-nim for almost 30 minutes of how much he wants to stay with you.

Jungkook pouted, "But Ein's all alone in Manila and everyone, even her brother's here in Seoul."

PD-nim sighed as he fix his glasses and look at the sullen Jungkook seated in front of him, "I'm sorry, Jungkook, I really can't. The least I can do is allow you to visit her during your free days."

Jungkook's head instantly snapped up to look at PD-nim, happiness and surprise is starting to be evident on the young one's face.

"BUT maximum of 3 days a week, Jungkook-ah. And no sneaking a flight to Manila, you'll have 1 manager and 1 bodyguard escorting you whenever you fly to Manila to visit, Ein." PD-nim explained to him which instantly placed a smile on Jungkook's face.

Jungkook continued thanking PD-nim and grinning happily.

"Now, head to the venue. You still have final rehearsals to do, right?" PD-nim informed him.

Jungkook stands up and bowed to PD-nim before turning around and running out to the venue of their FESTA Party.


"Ein, are you sure that you can stay in Manila alone?" Hoseok asks you as he helps you pack the your luggage since tomorrow's your flight back to Manila.

It's sad that you're leaving Seoul, leaving your friends, family, and your boyfriend here. But you can't do anything about it anyway.

Zipping up your last luggage, you subtly smile at your brother as you nodded, "you don't have to worry kuya. I can manage."

Hoseok looks at you, obviously worried to let you off back to Manila alone. You patted his cheek softly, "stop being sulky, today's your anniversary. We should head to the venue. You said you still need to do some final rehearsals, kuya."

You tidy up the room you are currently occupying at Tris' apartment, most of the stuff you brought with you stayed at her apartment even though you mostly stayed at Anna's apartment after you and Jungkook briefly broke up.

BTS Short Stories Presents: NOCHU [E D I T I N G]Where stories live. Discover now