Nothing Like Us Pt.1

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A/N: They say that you should always handle fragile stuff with utmost care. 

Note: If possible, read this while listening to the song above.

You slowly opened your eyes; you can feel his tight arms protectively wrapped around your naked body, you look at his sleeping face, you can't help but smile a little.

You just found out who your brother is; you're cuddled up with the most loving and caring person in your world; you have a great family of friends; finally, you felt whole, complete.

There was nothing you can ever ask for.

You want to get used to this so bad, but you know you can't. You have to go back to Manila; you must finish your remaining semester in-class. You sighed remembering you won't be coming back to Seoul with them right after their Manila tour; you'll be alone again... A single tear suddenly flowed, even remembering that I have to be away from him again is already painful.

While admiring the sleeping face of your boyfriend, his phone suddenly rings. You decided not to answer it since you don't want to be the nosy girlfriend anyway; you let his phone ring continually while you continue to stare at Jungkook.

2 times; 

2 times that it has rung, if it rings the 3rd time, I'm answering it; you thought.

Then it did...

You grabbed Jungkook's phone and answered it.

"Hell---" you widened your eyes and you are in a complete state of shock by what you are hearing right now coming from the other end of the phone call.

Tears are starting to continually flow from your eyes; why? You asked yourself.

You dropped the phone and gets out of your boyfriend's hold, waking him up in the process; he sleepily opens his eyes and looks at you, "Ein? Why are you up so early, baby?"

Silence. You decided to avoid him, at all costs. You hastily wear Jungkook's shirt and grabs a pair of boxer briefs from his closet.

Jungkook noticed you're silence, he knows something's wrong; he sat up from his bed when he noticed his phone on the bed; he looked at the phone screened and got surprised. You were watching him stare his phone in complete horror.

"'s not what you th----" you dashed outside of his room not letting him finish his sentence.

You were welcomed by Jimin and Tricia who looks so happy, "oho, looks like someone had a sweet cuddle night again." Tricia cooed at you but Jimin noticed your red eyes as Tricia continues to tease you.

He studies your face more closely, "Ein... Are you crying?" He slowly asked; that's when Tricia stopped and observed you as well; she finally noticed you crying, you became a crying mess in front of the couple.

You keep your head low while Tricia's hands grips your arms and Jimin's caresses your back while asking you what happened.

Just as you were about to open your mouth, "Ko-Kookie..." , Jungkook walks out of his room wearing nothing but boxer briefs; expecting you are alone inside the dorm. He looked at Jimin and Tricia surprisingly.

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