
38 3 0

3 months

You were not talking to anyone; your best friend doesn't even know what's going on. 

He never told anyone, not even his closest Jin hyung;

Your brother tried to constantly keep up-to-date with you.

He was constantly asked by everyone if he is contacting you;

You wear that fake smile of yours whenever your brother video calls you; even to your older sister.

He tried to be okay in front of everyone, hiding those feelings of sadness;

You upheld the famous saying, "fake it 'til you make it."

He tried to uphold the famous saying, "fake it 'til you make it."

You did not even fly back to Seoul as you promised for semester break.

He never flew to Manila to visit you.

You kept your distance.

He kept his distance from you.

Distance from them.

He tried so hard not to call you.

Distance from everyone.

He tried so hard not to catch the earliest flight to you.

Instead of sulking and continuously asking yourself what happened along the way; you channeled that sulking to focusing more on school.

He, instead, focused on dancing and music. Honing his craft.

Nothing else.


Seoul, Korea

"Tae, will you please stop slacking around and help me finish this last box!" Tris screamed to Taehyung who is apparently taking his nth rest for the day.

Holiday season is near and Tris has already decided to decorate her apartment for the occasion, it's one of her favorite past time after all. Since Jimin has been busy with comeback and helping his parents manage their business, Tris asked Taehyung's help instead for this simple task.

But now, as she stand in front of Kim Taehyung who is lying on her couch again, "I SHOULD'VE ASKED KUYA NAMJOON OR KUYA JIN; NOT YOU! FUCKING HELL!!" She screamed again as she start hitting Taehyung with pillows.

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