Post Script

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"Ein, where the fuck are you?! The ceremony's about to start!" Jin yelled over the phone.

"For cow's sake, I just landed. My flight got delayed. The ceremony can start without me you know, as if I am the one who's about to walk down the aisle and say I do." You answered nonchalantly to Jin.

"Aish, sometimes I question if you are really related to him. Ugh. Well hurry up! Jungkook brought your dress, change into it on the way and you might make it before they kiss!" Jin shouted anxiously before he hangs up the call on you.

Ugh. You hurriedly make your way to the immigration then to the luggage carousel to grab your stuff and find Jungkook.

You just landed again in Incheon International Airport. After almost 3 years of being gone, you're back. Finally. And hopefully permanently.

Before graduating college, you received your acceptance letter for a Graduate Studies course in Germany; that's why, after graduation, you flew straight to Germany to get accustomed to the lifestyle there and somehow not be homesick from who you were leaving behind. Your brother was against it at first, since he wanted to actually spend more time with you and hopefully live with him in Korea right after graduation, but who was he to stop you from chasing your dreams; given that you just learned about the fact he's your brother, like months prior to your graduation.

To somehow appease his worried soul for you, your sister, Dawon, has agreed to stay with you for the duration of your studies in Germany. From there on she managed all her business and occasionally flies back to Korea or Singapore when she is badly needed by her company. But generally, your sister became your housemate slash new best friend in Germany.

The stay actually helped you get closer to your sister after being away from each other's lives for years.

Tris was another overprotective person over you. She wanted you to call her most of the time and if you forgot to do so she'll be the one calling you and would literally ask you an hour-by-hour breakdown of your day. There were times you just yell at her for being a protective woman over you, but at the same time you also thanked her for being overprotective of you.

She never got used to fact of you being miles away from her. It makes her anxious as hell; even though she really doesn't say about it much.

And goodness gracious, don't forget about Bangtan. Whenever Tris calls you they end up interrupting your call with her and they just tell weird funny episodes of their life; usually it contains stories about how clumsy Yoongi or Namjoon is.

You just chuckle reminiscing the 3 years that you were gone, you grab all your luggage and started making your way to the arrivals where Jungkook is happily waiting for you.


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