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Nochu 2? I guess; a short teaser for the second season of Nochu.


"Babygirl, where the hell are you? Remember we have to meet the interior designer today." Jungkook's voice boomed inside your car as you speed off to Busan to catch the meeting today.

"I'm close! The meeting went longer than I expected. I'm sorry Kookie!" You answer him not shying your eyes away from driving.

Jungkook just chuckles softly, "alright, focus on driving first. Drive safely, Jung Elein! I'll be marrying you next month!" You both say your goodbyes and I love yous before Jungkook hangs up the call.

It has been 4 years since your brother's wedding; it was also the last time you stayed in Korea longer than a week. After finishing your Master's Degree in Germany, you were offered a job at an art exhibition centre based in Berlin; you were hesitant to accept it at first but Jungkook supported you to take the job knowing how much you enjoy art; hence, you are now based in Berlin rather in Seoul, where everyone you love practically lives. It has been hard for you since you started a whole new life alone in a foreign country, AGAIN. But your sister and Tris, sometimes visits you in Berlin whenever their own schedules permits them to do so.

Speaking of Tris;

She is now married to Jimin and a baby is already on the way; their wedding was literally something out of a fairytale, they held it in one of the most beautiful churches in the Philippines and had their honeymoon in Europe. You were screeching in excitement when Tris told you that she is pregnant of their first child. Who wouldn't be happy for them anyway? They almost broke up again when Jimin chose to hide and be with Kristelle's side when the incident happened; because of that, Namjoon and Tris got close again to the point Jimin got so jealous it caused a riff between the two men. The two somehow made up and everything went well again between the two that everyone thought it would be for good already.

During Hobi's wedding, you all witnessed how sweet Jimin was towards Tris; but after the wedding weekend, Jimin suddenly went back to hiding his business schedules from Tris and she really got mad to the point that she asked for a break. Soon after, Namjoon became Tris's rant person and travel buddy for almost a full year; no one realize what was really happening since Tris sees Namjoon as her best friend nothing else. Tris never found out Namjoon's real feelings towards her, Namjoon never confessed to Tris even though they practically travelled the world together for her business and her part-time modeling gig. Ah yes, Tris was scouted one time during her last school day in Seoul by a modeling agency, she first thought it was a scam but she decided to attend the walk-in auditions of the agency in Seoul. 

The rest of Bangtan is fully aware of Namjoon's real feelings towards Tris; and yet, he continues to friend zone himself to Tris. Jimin, in particular wasn't too happy with the news of Namjoon's feelings towards her, he has always been in the edge whenever he hears from Yoongi that Namjoon and Tris are together for shopping or simple museum trips. What happened was Yoongi overhead Namjoon and Jin talking about Tris and he eventually had to ask Namjoon about his real feelings towards his baby sister; then as time goes by everyone started realizing that Namjoon does have romantic feelings towards Tris. It became messy, it caused a gap between Namjoon and Jimin; Bangtan had a hard time working throughout the rift which eventually had PD-nim deciding that they need to undergo a week-long retreat in the mountains.

Eventually, Jimin realized that he is breaking his promise to Tris and that he is being stupid for watching Tris slip off of his grasp. He fixed his relationship first with Namjoon and the two men came clean with each other. After that, he did everything he could to win Tris again; which obviously became fruitful knowing that they are now married and will have a child together. 

Jin, on the other hand, continues with his on and off relationship with Kristelle. Kristelle wants the ring already but Jin is not yet ready for the much bigger commitment yet. Yoongi, had a good dose of left and right dating scandals; it's like the whole of Korea is on the lookout for Yoongi's mystery girl. So far, only Tris knows who the girl is because Yoongi brought the girl to their apartment one time to meet Tris. You all found out about it and started betting about the girl; but until now, no one has won yet because Yoongi has been really good at hiding his girl and so is Tris who has kept her mouth shut even to you, her own best friend, about the girl.

And then there's Taehyung... 

While reminiscing your phone suddenly rang, bringing you back to the reality; but suddenly, you heard a loud crashing sound and then everything went black.


Welcome guys to Nochu 2! I half promise to keep this updated as much as I can! The Prologue will be posted as well on the new book for Nochu 2, but I decided to give you a little teaser about what's in store for you guys. <3

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