Before You Read

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Hi! Before you read I want to go over a few things. You can skip over this part if you like, but I'm writing it for you. 


This is under Creative Commons. This is my work and my work only. Please do not post to other websites and such. And if you do see this somewhere other than Wattpad, please let me know. Also, do not share this work as your own, give me credit. 


I will take suggestions, but please know

1) this is my story, I will write it how I chose. If you suggest something and I don't use it, it's not because it was bad or I don't like you, but I just decided to use my own.

2) don't be rude with your suggestions. Just tell me politely what you think

You do not have to send me your suggestions privately, but it will make it easier to decide which ones are suggestions and which are just comments. 


I take criticism well. As long as you are polite with it. And please make it constructive. Don't just tell me it's bad without telling me how to fix it. And don't tell me it just bad, be more specific. What's bad? How is it? Give me something to fix.


As of right now, it looks like updates will be weekly. If they are not, please don't get angry and demand one. I will be busy over the summer, so bear with me. 


This story is based around a girl's life leading up to her attempting suicide. It is a mature theme, so please act mature. If you can't handle it, then this isn't the book for you. Slut shaming and other derogatory terms are used to degrade women. Again, if you can't handle that, please stop reading.

Suicide is not a laughing matter. As a person who has seen people attempt suicide and know others who've committed suicide, I can say it is a devastating thing. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in teens, and 4 out of five suicides can be prevented, as the teen has given off clear signs. If you or someone you know feels suicidal or has mentioned/looks like they would do, don't hesitate to ask for help. Many people don't like talking about it, so anonymous hotlines are available to you. 

Visit these websites for more information: & 1-800-273-8255

Guys and girls, please use these if you need them. Suicide is preventable and should be discussed more often. 

So, I'm almost done, but I want to make sure each of you understand the effects of suicide on yourself and others. So, I've decided to do something really special. Below is a pledge-

I promise that I will do all that I can to protect my friends, family, the people around me, and myself. If I think someone I know is depressed or may be considering suicide, I will get necessary help. I promise that I will the signs and reach out to that person. I will not be hesitant to talk about suicide to others. I promise that I will share this pledge with others in hopes that it will change someone's life.

Read the pledge and after reading the book, leave you username, your Wattpad name or your real name(first) in the comments. I will create a page dedicated to those who signed the pledge. Every month after completing the story, I will create a new page with new names. If you accepted the pledge and do not see your name, please let me know privately that way I can put you on. 

Thank so much for taking the time to read this message. I hope this story will change you in some way, even if it's in the smallest way possible. Don't be afraid to share this story. Without further ado, Diaries to No One.

Love, CupCakes 

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