May 11, 2017-Day Five

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my day consists of sleep

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my day consists of sleep. i dont feel sorry for myself. day five has been mindless.

Normal Time

(The Christos' talk to a doctor outside a hospital room)

Mr- "You can't just do that. She's our daughter! Her life is not done yet."

D- "We understand how it must feel, but a week, in a coma, in her condition, I don't think she can get any better."

Mrs- "So you're just going to give up?!"

(She starts crying)

D- "No, we can wait out until the end of this week, but if I don't see signs of improvement, we may have to cut her support."

Mr- "Is there anything we can do? Any other hospitals?"

D- "There are, just not in Rhode Island. There's one in Boston. They have phenomenal doctors and research. I can get in contact with them to see what they can offer."

Mrs- "Thank you so much."

D- "Of course. But that hospital is pretty expensive for the type of care you're asking for. I could work out a pay-"

Mr- "No. We can cover it. Now, can we see our daughter?"

D- "Yes, of course."

Mrs- "Thank you so much for your help ma'am."

D- "I wish I could do more."

(The doctor leaves the couple alone, they walk into the room)

Two more after this one! It's coming to an end. If you couldn't tell, the doctor is discussing pulling her off of life support. Her condition was that critical guys. Make sure to vote and comment.

-Love, CupCakes

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