April 6, 2017-Thief

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Day two of my suspension. Also went to drug rehab. Unlike most teens who get caught having drugs, I was allowed to keep my phone but then again my parents were out of town. Again.

My Twitter blew up with people asking me where I was and what happened. Aww, they care. Not really. People will do anything to be apart of any drama. I wasnt expecting any visitors today. I should really get better at making assumptions. Guess who rang my doorbell? Come on. Its easy. Melissa, duh! Of course she did. Because that bitch cant not just make my like any more difficult. "hey bitch" "what do you want" "just why you had drugs you don't look like a stoner" "but you do" "for once im trying to be nice to you and then you go and insult me" "be careful, there are cameras, plus youre supposed to be in school" "why do you give a fuck" "I don't now what do you want" At this point she barged past me into my living room. "hmm, nice place, I guess. Hows Michael" Michael. I still miss him. I wonder how he's doing. "nevermind, I already know im dating him" "oh congratulations" "thats it youre not concerned or happy for us" "youre dating not getting married and he can take care of himself" I was tired and really didn't want to talk to her. "hes really into me. In fact I have a dick pic its huge" "wow congrats he still wont fuck your nonvirgin hole" "you bitch" "yep a female dog, woof woof" I realized that now I was gaining more confidence. I thought things could only get better. "well im going to go now, bye" I didn't see her take it. Only when I was cleaning did I realize the expensive Cuban cigar box was missing. The only thing left my mother had from my grandfather.

I cried tonight. Not only did Melissa ruin my confidence, relationship, and happiness, she ruined my family. They blamed me. I tried to show them the tapes. They still said it was my fault. They made the decision to send me to my aunt's house. I'd be staying there for the rest of the year. If I make through the rest of the year.

Normal Time

(Mr. Christos and Mrs. Christos talks to an officer)

Mrs- "We understand how long ago it was, but this was a priceless heirloom. When my father died, he left this for me."

O- "Yes, we can do the best we can. Do you have a name or any possible suspects?"

Mr- "No, just the tapes from that day. We have security cameras."

O- "Great, now why did you wait till now to report it stolen?"

Mrs- "Our dau-"

(Mrs. Christos starts tearing up)

Mr- "Our daughter tried to commit suicide. She's in a coma. At first, we didn't believe it was stolen. We thought she broke."

Mrs- "We figured that while she was in the hospital, we would figure out what really happened. Including why she wanted to kill herself."

O- "Yes. I'm sorry. That must be very tough to deal with. Now, do you have the tapes with you?"

Mr- "Yes. Here you go."

(They watch the tape and see a girl take the box)

O- "Well I have a face. I can match it to our database. But it will only work if she's been in here before."

Mrs- "Can you try matching it to a school? She looks to be our daughter's age."

O- "Yes, actually. Shea High School accepted the program."

Mr- "Great. Our daughter goes there."

O- "Alright. I'll check for her there."

(The officer run the program on his computer)

O- "Alright. Good news. She attends Shea. Melissa Hyman. Do you know her?"

Mrs- "No. never heard of her."

O- "Well, that's your thief."

(Phone rings)

O- "Hello, yes. You found more drugs? Okay. Name, I can check to see if they have been registered in our system. Okay. Wait, can you repeat that name? Melissa Hyman. Well, I have the two parents of a student that attempted suicide in my office right now. Tapes show that Melissa has also stolen a cigar box from their house. I'll be right over."

(Call ends)

O- "Well, you guys heard me. Apparently, she also does drugs. I'm going to head over to the school now. Would you like to join me?"

Mr and Mrs- "Yes."

Melissa's a bitch. I made her though! But anyways, her parents really need to be home and stuff. I don't know. Follow me @Summerfield0709. As always, make sure to vote and comment. The support means a lot to me.

-Love, CupCakes

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