May 12, 2017-Day Six

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i stayed home all day

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i stayed home all day. i cooked pasta and ordered pizza. i watched Netflix and had a dance party. by myself. I was happy. I went into the bathroom and prepared a warm bath. I opened my bathroom cabinet and pulled out what I need. I cut my hair. Im sitting in the tub as I write this. The page is getting soaked. It doesnt matter, no one will find it. No one will read it. This is the end.

Normal Time

(Jess and the Christos stand in her room)

J- "I can't believe the week is over. And there's nothing they can do?"

Mr- "No. The hospital in Boston said their research isn't advanced enough. This was the best we could get."

Mrs- "Jess, I'm so sorry. I know this was your sister and I...just..."

Mr- "I'm going to tell her, sweetie. Your adopted parents called us and said they don't want to be your parents anymore."

J- "What!?"

Mr- "They don't want you. They're leaving the country and decided they didn't want children."

J- "So they're just going to leave me. Great."

Mr- "We're going to adopt you. I want my daughter back."

Mrs- "We want our daughter back. We lost our son. And we'll lose our daughter. I can't lose you."

J- "You really want me?"

Mr- " We weren't ready for kids or marriage. But we're ready now. Can you forgive us?"

J- "Yes,yes! I love you so much! The only thing that will make this for her to wake up."

Mrs- "I know. You have to go, no one under 18 is allowed to be in the room when it."

J- "Okay."

(Jess turns to leave, they hear a moan"

Mr- "What was that?"

(They looked down and hear another one)

Mrs- "Is she moving? Someone, get the doctor!"

(The doctor rushes in and checks for signs of movement)

(Another groan)

D- "Her vitals are returning back to normal. Her heart rate is stabilizing as well as her breathing. Your daughter is back."

Mrs- "Oh my god! Oh my god!"

Mr- "When will she be able to leave?"

D- "We'll keep her over the weekend. She seems to be recovering quickly, more than average, so she should be able to go back to school Monday."

J- "She's back. My sister's back."

I'm not an expert on coma patients regaining consciousness, so...but you can be an expert on voting and commenting on this story. *Great promo there* *Thank you, thank you, I do try*Make sure to vote and comment just cause of that promo.

-Love, CupCakes

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