Monday, May 15, 2017

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Normal Time

(At school, her POV)

I walk the halls of Shea High School again. After a week spent in the hospital, I'm glad to get out. My attempt failed, but that was my last time trying. I'm trying life again and this time, I'll succeed.

The kids are wary of me. I hear whispers and rumors about me. They wondered how I did it. Cutting, pills, hanging. I won't tell them. I go to my classes with an optimistic look on my face.

Things have changed. Posters on the wall saying, "get help" and "suicide isn't an option". These posters only went up because I tried to kill myself. I didn't get help. And suicide was an option for me. People treat me different because they think that I may do it again. "be careful what you say to her, she'll try to kill herself". Some are just so cruel that they think I was so weak I couldn't even kill myself. Some want me dead. Others think I did it for attention. I don't care. I'm better now. I've gotten help.

I realize Melissa wasn't here anymore. I ask around. "where's Melissa?" "she and Jason both got arrested and expelled" "for what?" "raping a girl and drugs" I wonder who told. I didn't. I eat lunch by myself, waiting to go back home. Mom said she has a surprise for me. I wonder what it is. My classes go by quickly and before I know, I'm at Theatre. I signed up for it again. I walk in and see familiar faces and walls. Sitting beside my seat, though, was someone I thought I would never see again. Jake. I take my seat and ignore the stares. I doodle on my notebook and wait for class to begin. He taps me on my shoulder. "Hey, welcome back Hope."

It's finally finished. Yayy! Name revealed. Took a while. Thank you so much for reading! I'm not going to say much other than make sure to vote and comment.

-Love, CupCakes

P.S-More information in next chapter. Out tomorrow.

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