December 8, 2016-Car Touble

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How are you liking my diary so far? Is it entertaining? Or just plain stupid. Im not a published author nor do I have a team of editors. I just write whatever comes to mind.

You must be dying to hear story number 2. I think it's great. Let's begin. I was walking home. I didn't have to work today. I prefer walking to driving on days like this. It was just perfect. Im not going to describe it. It would ruin the magic behind a perfect day. I had nothing planned. As it turned out, someone had one for me though. I didn't know. But they did. Gosh, I wonder how long it took them to come up with that one. As im walking, I hear the engine of a car behind me. I turn around and there she is. Melissa Hyman. Hyman. What a nice last name. ironic, she usually doesn't say hi before fucking some football player. Any who. She was there. And her entourage. They're not important at all. "hey, bitch! You should go to the mall with us! Let's go!" She didn't even ask. Bossy much. "im busy" I wasn't, but I didn't want to go with them. "come on. It'll be fun!" "no. im good." Why didn't I just say yes? She speeds up and splashes me with cold, wet snow. Yeah, it snows here. I live in fucking Rhode Island. "are you busy now bitch?" Ah, yes. I had to respond like a smartass. "yes Melissa. Even more now. I have to wash my clothes. Ya know. The ones you just ruined." She stops the car and gets out. Even from where im standing, I can see her long manicured nails. She comes over to me and whispers in my ear. "you think you so much better than me. Please bitch. I will make your life living hell." She turns and walks back to her car. I turn and walk away. "hey where are you going bitch!" "I don't have time to deal with insignificant whores" "can you even spell insignificant" "M-E-L-I-S-S-A" Melissa speeds up and drives away.

I don't know why I cared so much. I mean, this happens to everyone, not just me. Its not that serious. Maybe, it was a sign of some growing confidence. Well, I wrote for a reason. Hopefully, it will soon be revealed.

Normal Time

(Melissa talks to her friends in the courtyard)

"Why does Jake even care about her? She's so irrelevant. She only did it for attention."

"You think attempting suicide was a call for attention? Why are you so mean to her anyway?"

"Oh, so are you on her side now!"

"there are no sides. Just the truth. What she did...there were other options. She could've gotten help."

"Why do you care so much!"

"Why don't you?!"

(Jess storms away. She bumps into Jake)

"Hey, are you okay?"

"No, not really."

"What's wrong?"

"Melissa's being an egotistical bitch."

"Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Where are you going?"

"The hospital. I need to see her."

"I'll drive."

I hope you guys like country music. Make sure to vote and comment. I will try to read every comment and respond to as many as possible. 

-Love, CupCakes

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