Number 12: Josh Dun - Do You Really Love Me?

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His anxiety was getting the best of him. He was scared, terrified, and all he wanted to do right now was get this over with. Get what over with? Oh, you'll find that out soon. Josh is about to take you out to an expensive restaurant and he has plans. Very important plans that require his full attention at the moment.

Now, once you got to the restaurant with him you instantly noticed he was acting strange. Not like his usual strange, he wasn't being himself.

"Josh, are you ok...?"

"Huh? Oh y-yeah I'm fine..." he says, shakily picking up the glass of wine before giving up, scared he'll drop it. He sets it down carefully on the table, "Uh- can I ask you something, though...?"

"Yeah, what's up Jishwa?"

"Do you really love me? Like, I know you love me.... but do you think about being with me forever..?"

Your heart nearly stops. You don't know what to think right now... is he going to break up or is he just asking? Your body trembles, "J-Josh... of course I do, all the time... wh-why are you asking.."

That's when he stands up from his seat, people starting to look as his chair squeaks across the tile floor the clanking of forks and spoons against plates is the only thing that can be heard at the moment through the silence that filled the restaurant. He goes and kneels in front of you, "Good, I've been thinking of it too" he says softly, calming down just the tiniest bit as he pulls a box out of his coat pocket and looks up at you, "(Y/N) (L/N).. I love you so much... you're the light in my darkness, you're all I care about, you're the future I want... so.. will you do me a big favor and marry me?" He says with a smile

You start crying and get down, hugging and kissing all over his face, "yes yes yes yes! Josh I love you so much, so, yes Joshua Dun I will be your wife" you giggle through the tears and kiss him, him sliding the ring onto your finger skillfully. Oh, did I mention he's been planning this for six months straight, putting rings on sticks and hoping that corps bride wouldn't turn real. Yeah, that was happening.

He hugs you back, "Thank you, (Y/N) I love you so much" he says against your lips, wiping your tears away as tears started to slip from his own eyes.

So here's the future. And it lies with Josh Dun. (I want my future to be in josh dun's bedroom oops)

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