Tyler Joseph- Party?

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A/N: this is inspired by Michael In The Bathroom from Be More Chill because musicals are my life rn and Michael is g r e a t
Sincerely, Me

(Ayyyeeee more puns xD)


I was at quite literally the biggest party of the fall. However, I could care less about parties. I was forced to go with my boyfriend.. which I barely even considered my boyfriend at this point because he's cheated so many times. He had already left me right as we walked in to go talk to other girls so I just decided to hide in the bathroom. I knew my friends Tyler and Josh were here but I didn't want to bother them.

I sat against the door, hugging my knees to my chest as I put my earphones in and started singing to the music.

"I am hanging in a bathroom at the biggest party of the fall, I could stay right here or disappear and nobody'd even notice at all.."

I sang softly, well I thought but apparently I was louder due to the fact that my earphones were really loud.

I heard knocking on the door and sighed, "Leave me alone I'm on my period!" I shouted, then heard Tyler's voice, "(Y/N) open the door before I decide not to buy you Taco Bell on the way home"

"Fuck, ok hold on Tyler" I groan and get up, opening the door.

"You look cute why the hell aren't you out here dancing with your boyfriend?" He asks.

I blush but sigh and look down a bit, playing with the hem of my shirt, "I uh.. guess you didn't notice then.. he was with another girl.."

"Again?" Tyler asks, "He's stupid not to be here with you.. you're gorgeous, he's missing out big time.."

"That's not true... she was prettier than me.." I mumble.

"Nope, you're gorgeous, now grab your phone and go onto the dance floor with me, yeah?"

"I- I don't dance.." I say softly. Which.. was a lie.. I loved dancing and had even taken tap, ballet, and hip hop when I was younger.

"Your mom told me otherwise" he chuckles, "Seriously come on, let's dance"

Eventually, he had gotten me out of the bathroom and well, kinda got me to dance, I kinda just swayed with him to the beat of a song I didn't even like. It was a fast song, but Tyler and I couldn't give two shits, he knew I wouldn't go all out on dancing.

"Hey uh.. (Y/N)...?"

"Yeah, Tyler..?"

"Why don't you break up with your boyfriend..?"

"I.. I don't know.. I just don't have the courage.."

"Do you still love him?"

"No." That, I could reply faster than the speed of light.

"Then.. would you consider being with me instead?"

"If.. if I did that now... I'd be just as bad as him.. but.. in all honesty, I've wanted to kiss you so bad.. for you to hug me and tell me everything would be alright.." And finally, the drinks I had heard earlier that night and all my emotions mixed and I broke down to tears, "Tyler.. I hate him, I hate him so much! I just want everything to be ok" I cried

He hugged me close, "Shh.." he said, soothingly running his hands through my hair, "Everything will be ok, I promise you" he says, "Now wipe those tears, were gonna break you and your dumbass boyfriend up!" he says

"Wh-what?! T-Tyler I can't!" I shout, "I- I..."

"You don't love him and he doesn't deserve you, (Y/N)! Let's do it, let's show all these girls who he REALLY is!" he says.

Finally, you'd agreed, letting go of Tyler and walking over to your "Boyfriend" "Hey, babe~" you say.

He turned to face you, "Shit.." he mumbles, "Not now" he says through gritted teeth.

"Oh sorry! let me introduce hmyself, I'm this cheating, lying asshole's girlfriend.. or well, I used to be" I say with a laugh.

As he once again turns to face me his face heats up, "What do you mean used to be?!" He shouts, finally all eyes were on us. The music has even turned off.

"Well, seeing as evey other girl is much more interesting than me.. I figured you'd rather not have me lurking around right? But just a warning to every lady here, he's a cheater and each and every one of you could do much better than him." I say, "Anyway, have a good night.. that is if you can get one" I say and walk away.

Everyone cheered me on and I felt a smile tug at my lips before I go up to Tyler and hug him tightly, "Thank you" I say and peck his cheek, which made him turn all different shades of red, "It's no problem" he says and hugs back, "I love you, I'd do anything for you.." he whispers.



A N Y W A Y S how have you guys been? good I hope?

thank you so much for reading!

I love you all so much <3

Aaannndd Zoe out!

Stay alive |-/

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