Josh Dun- Paintings

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A/N: Seeing as it's 2 AM and I literally can't fall asleep I'll write something short. Also sorry I've been so inactive writers block is shot and so is depression :)


You sigh as you shakily enter the art exhibit for the art contest you'd entered. The piece you'd submitted was a painting of Josh dun with his tattoo painted as a backgeound.

Honestly, at events like these you didn't feel like you fit in. People looked at you odd because you weren't dressed up in heels or a dress. You simply wore a black crop top and black jeans with converse high tops in, you guessed it, black. You had a small nose piercing as well which the other students must've considered trashy, along with the fact your makeup was always simple, brows, mascara, Chapstick.

Maybe if you new you were going to meet the model of your art you would've done otherwise, but how were you supposed to know.

-lets just keep pretending Josh has yellow hair cause idk what color it is rn LOL-

The yellow haired male walked up to you with a smile, "Is this your work?" He asks, referring to your piece next to you.

"Oh- U-Uhm.. yeah" you say shyly, not looking up at first, fiddling with your fingers nervously.

"hey, don't be too nervous, relax. It's an amazing piece" the man says sweetly.

Finally, feeling more relaxed, you look up and then basically lose it, "J-J-Jo-Josh?!" You say and he laughs softly.

"Yup, it's me Josh Dun" he says awkwardly. Bow you'd managed to laugh slightly.

"So- uhm.. why are you here? I mean you must have better things to do then look at a bunch of children's art right?"

"Not really, being on breaks given me free time.. and I think I've found a lot of inspiration" he says, "Especially with yours. Would you mind.. maybe giving me an autograph?" He asks cutely

"I-" you start out with a smile, "I'd love to" you say, getting yourself to stop stuttering as you wrote your autograph down on a paper for him, "Mind doing the same for me?" You ask

"It'd be a pleasure" Josh smiles happily and does his then hands it to you, pecking your cheek, "Sadly, Tyler's begging me to go home.. but text me some time and maybe you can reach me how to paint" he says happily

You realized his inner with the signature and smile, "Of course" you giggle and wave at him as he we walks off


Wow that was shit I'm sorry ndndndne

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