Josh Dun: Beautiful

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The sun was shining, the large body of water was sparkling. There was only few clouds in the sky. The small, white fluffy clouds that looked like fresh balls of cotton. The girl standing on the edge of a cliff would look up at them, then back down to the body of water.

She drew in a deep breath, taking in the fresh air she'd missed for so long. She had no plans before now of being there, standing on that cliff. But she did, she arrived there after her long hike.

Her silky soft brown hair was put up into a high ponytail, strands of hair falling loose onto her face, as a result of having bangs in the past. As she looked further out at the body of water and the forest that followed after it, her gorgeous blue eyes sparkled. She'd let out a sigh of relief and begin talking to herself.

"Beauty like this doesn't come often.." she says under her breath, not realizing the crunching of the gravel behind her from someone approaching.

It was a male. His hair was bright yellow and fluffy like the cotton ball clouds in the sky. He wore a red hat with it and a plain white T-shirt with black jeans and some simple black Converse high tops.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks in a gentle tone, a small dorky smile on his face.

The girl jumped a little, not expecting anyone to be there, "ah- sure" she says with a kind and welcoming smile, taking a moment to scan the male's features. He was cute, admittedly enough, and she already enjoyed his presence which seemed to be also very welcoming and warm.

He'd stand next to her, leaning onto the railing as he looked out, silence swarmed the two of them until he decided to speak.

"So, it's a beautiful day, huh?" He asks, looking over at her, that same cutely dorky closed lip smile still painting his feautures.

She nods and hums what seems to be a yes as she continued to look out, "A gorgeous day" she says with a small laugh.

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