Tyler Joseph- Lovesick (Hanahaki)

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A/N: So just in case you didn't know let me explain what Hanahaki Disease is.. basically I'm gonna copy and paste the meaning from online!

hanahaki disease
a fictional (emphasis on fictional) disease, often used in fanfictions, where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love. The illness can only be cured through surgical removal, however any existing romantic feelings are also removed with the infection.

Alright! And onto the story!


-Tyler's point of view-

She'd talked about the same thing every time we hang out. And today was one of those days. I wanted to confess but I was terrified.. I knew she didn't feel the same.

We're currently sat on my couch watching It. Which.. may or may not be illegal to watch at the moment since it's still in theaters. As I was about to muster up the courage to say my feelings her phone buzzed. She quickly took it out of her pocket,

"EEK! Brendon messaged me back~!" She giggles, "One day I can promise I'll be (Y/N) (M/N) Urie!" She laughs

I let out a small laugh, until.. I got that feeling like I was about to throw up. This new disease had been showing up all over the news. Hanahaki disease. If it wasn't cured fast enough you could end up dying.. I'm terrified of it. I cough a few times, "Uh.. I'm gonna go get something I'll be right back, ok?"

I quickly run up the stairs and into the second floor's bathroom, throwing up in the sink, which was now splattered with red blood, white daisies, and chrysanthemums. I start to panic. So, I caught Hanahaki huh? But... I love her.. maybe I can cure this.. just maybe..?

I run downstairs, "Hey, uh.. maybe you should go I don't feel too well and I don't want to get you sick.."

She looks back, "Huh? Are you sure I can stay and help you... if you're not feeling well I could make some soup..?"

I smile a bit, "Thanks for the offer but I'm ok.."

She nods and after gathering her stuff we say our goodbyes and she leaves.

I needed a plan. How could I get her to stop living Brendon and love me..? How..? Was it even as simple as I thought. They said there was no cure. But I'll find one. I'll find a way.

-a year later-

So here it was. (Y/N) and Brendon's wedding. I knew it would happen... I was meant to be best man but... I couldn't go, I had stared throwing up flower petals all over the floor. I guess that's when she came to check on me, though I don't remember it very well.

"Tyler!" She yelled as my vision blurred more and more.

"I'll call an ambulance!" Brendon yelled.

It was right after their wedding this had happened... but I didn't know a thing.

I now wake up, surrounded by a white room, blue detailing across the wall. I look down to my stomach to see a stitched area. So... they removed it..? I remember how I felt... but I no longer feel it. My head aches and as I try to stand I nearly fall, Josh being there to catch me.

"Dude... I'm sorry we had to... there was no other way..." he says

"....." I don't reply but just sigh and sit on the bed.

"She uh... she left you this..."

He handed me a folded paper and I took it cautiously, scared of what it might have said.

Dear Tyler,

I'm sorry we had the flowers removed without your permission... I'm not sure who you loved... but I'm sorry. I hope that one day you find someone better to love that will feel the same. I hope oi never have to go through such pain again.. maybe that's why.. that night that I was over you got sick..? I wonder.. if it was my fault..? Honestly, I never said anything but... I got the procedure done as well.. when you were with Jenna. I loved you... but I had to move on... point is, I hope you're able to be happy now.


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