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Ssundee's POV

"Don't bother escaping. You'll only be killed, or worse, be brought back here."

"Good luck living with torture for the rest of your life."


I wake up, shaking. Nightmares. Nightmares that bring back memories, bad memories, of what I was put through seven years ago.

You'd think they'd go away after seven years. Nope.

I sit up, and look at my clock, wondering what time it is.

Three A.M.

I don't feel like going back to sleep, where more nightmares will just come back, so I stand up, stretching as if it's morning.

I guess you're probably wondering what my nightmares are about.

Well, seven years ago, I was kidnapped by squids. Squids. They always seem to be behind everything.

Basically, I was a prisoner there for three months. It was horrible.

After I escaped, nightmares about going back have kept me up.

What's worse is now I have some condition where I hallucinate into thinking I've gone back into the past.

It's dangerous and I've nearly hurt people before.

I switch on my lamp, not wanting to be all alone in the dark.

If there's one good thing I can say about nightmares, it's that they're better than the hallucinations. At least I can't hurt anyone in a nightmare.

The house is dead quiet. All of the other members of our team-Sky, Jason, Quinten, Jerome, and Mitch- are all asleep at this hour. Usually.

Sometimes I can hear Sky wandering around the house at night, too. Maybe nightmares keep him up, too. I've never asked.

I don't feel like staying in my room, so I push open my door as quietly as I can-somehow I got the room with the squeaky door- and step out into the hall.

On the left side of my room is Quinten's room, and everyone else is on my right side.

I sneak past almost everyone's room, except for Sky's, when I stop at the one closed door that hasn't been opened yet.

Ty's room.

We don't talk about it, never have even gone in there. Heck, I don't even know if anything is in there.

I inch my way past it, as if just being in front of the door is somehow going to hurt me.

When I'm past Sky's room, I descend the spiral staircase to the first floor, which holds the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom-it's not fun to share one bathroom with five other guys- and the weapon room.

I head for the weapon room, my favorite room in the whole house besides mine. We keep all of our own weapons, not the training swords, in there.

We all have our own weapon rack. Sky's has his "butter" swords, Jerome has his "Bettys", and Quinten has stacks of TNT, and redstone torches, which I take great care to avoid. One wrong move, and I'll blow up the whole house.

I head over to my weapon rack, which has a iron sword that gleams in the moonlight that shines in through the windows.

My iron sword.

It's been repaired over and over again, mainly because I use it a lot and I like it. I like being able to call something my own.

I don't feel like I could call it "mine" if I just kept making other swords.

I carefully remove it from the rack, but before I know it, I've accidentally knocked over one of Mitch's stacks of arrows, resulting in a crash. A loud crash.

I facepalm. "Stupid!" I think.

The light switches on in the kitchen, and I see Sky at the bottom of the stairs, looking alert, but not afraid.

Sky never seems to be afraid.

He sees me over by the weapons, and I'm frozen. As if that's going to make me harder to see.

"Oh, it's just you, Ssundee. I thought someone was robbing us. What are you still doing up?" He asks, looking relieved.

I unfreeze, rubbing my arm with my free hand sheepishly. "Kinda had some nightmares."

"Nightmares? Me too." He half-smiles. "They suck."

"Well, they're better than the hallucinations." I respond.

"Yeah, I guess so." He says quietly. "Well, I'm gonna go back to bed. See in the morning, but don't stay up all night, ok?"

"Alright, Dad." I say sarcastically, making him grin.

He walks back up the stairs, and put my sword down and stoop to the ground to pick up the arrows.

Sky's POV

I go back up the stairs, thinking about my nightmare that Ssundee had thankfully woken me up from by dropping the arrows.

It was about Ty. "Why is everything always about Ty?" I think.

I get an altered version of the same nightmare every night. Ty getting hurt in some way is always in it.

Tonight, he was tied to a wooden post, and someone lit a fire underneath. The person who lit the fire turned, but I couldn't see his or her face, as it was obscured by shadows.

I shudder. Even if I couldn't see his face, there was something the guy that creeped me out. I feel like I know him.

I push the door open to my room, and lock it behind me. I wonder if Ssundee's ever heard me when I walk around the house, nightmares keeping me awake.

Probably. If he's anything like me, he's definitely hearing me.

I flop back onto the butter colored blankets on my bed, and let fatigue overcome me.



Please don't hurt me.

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