You Need to Kill Me

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*three weeks later cuz I'm lazy*****

Ty's POV

Where am I?

Everything's black.

And from past experience, everything being black is not a good thing.

Never a good thing.

I want to leave the black and dark, I want to go back to the light and the color.

Just not dark blue. I've had enough dark blue to last me a century.

Thank you, underwater.

Suddenly, a figure appears in front of me.

I recognize him immediately.


"Stay away from me." I mutter, loud enough for him to hear.

"Aww, what's the wittle Ty gonna do?" He mocks me.

"I'll lock you up again." I say, looking him dead in the eye.

"News flash." He smirks. "No more headphones, lots more me."

"What? What are you-"

He cuts me off. "Didn't wittle Ty know?" He laughs. "Your little power source has been smashed, and drowned in the ocean."

It feels like my heart has jumped into my throat.

"Sky will make me new ones." I say.

"Oh really? If only he knew what your precious headphones did. Too bad you didn't tell him." He grins.

"I can hold you off long enough to tell him."

"You sure about that?"


"I wouldn't be so sure. Even if you could hold me off, how do you know I'll let him live that long?"

"You wouldn't."

"Do you know me?" He laughs. "Of course I would."

"You're working for the squids, aren't you?" I accuse him.

"Again, acting like you don't know me."

I don't tell him, but now I'm a little confused.

"What do you mean?"

He looks down at me with a smirk. "I work for no one. I'm acting the way I want."

"You're lying." I say through gritted teeth. "The squids must have offered you something."

"Oh, they did, but I didn't take it."


"Are you so sure?"


"Well, what're you gonna do?"

"I told you. I'll hold you off."

"You can't hold me off, Ty."

"Yes I can."

He walks closer to me. "No you can't, Ty. I'm the enemy you can't defeat. I'm half of you. You can't kill me without destroying yourself."

"Maybe you don't know how glad I would be to lose my life to destroy you."

"Yes, but will Sky be so willing to let his wittle brother die? I don't think so."

"How do you know so much?"

"Don't you get it, Deadlox?" He sneers. "I'm you. I know what's inside your brain. I know everything about you."

His words send a chill down my spine. I know he's right. I can't defeat him. He knows my weak points.

"I'm always here, Ty. And you'll be seeing a lot more of me now."

He laughs and disappears.

And I wake up on a hospital bed.

Sky's POV

I think you can guess where I am at this point.

I'll give you a hint: where am I for ninety percent of the time?

If you guessed "My room" then you win 1,000,000 butter ingots!

Not really.


I don't think we can spare that much butter.

Anyways, we received a call from the Brotato yesterday. He said that he, Hope, and Shane were about three days away from the base.

Mitch is freaking out, and I really don't blame him.

I'm freaking out, too, but for a different reason.

It's been three weeks.

And we've heard nothing from the hospital.

Suddenly, Jason bursts through my door.

I think I jump ten blocks in the air. "What the heck, Jason?"

"Phone. Downstairs. Ty. Now." He says.

And that's all it takes for me to start sprinting for the hospital.

*time skippy of skippiness yay :D****

"Sky, chillax." A says.

The Team, Rose, Darkclaw, and A are all outside of Ty's room in the hospital, waiting for somebody to call us in.

"Me? Chillax? I'm perfectly calm! I'm on a train to Calmsville, A!"

She gives me a look. "Yes, because a calm person totally says that." (A/N: OH SNAP)

"Shut up." I mutter.

A doctor comes in the room. "Sky," he says. "We were told to let you in first."

"Okay..." I say, and walk inside.

I walk in the room, and Ty immediately sits up and stares me right in the face.

It's all I can do to keep from screaming "HUG ME BROTHA" and give him the biggest brother hug ever. (A/N: DRAKE AND JOSH REFERENCE BECAUSE I CAAAAAAAAN)

"Ty." I manage to say.

"Listen, I need to tell you something." He says it with so much urgency that I shut up and listen.

"You need to kill me."

Teen Team CraftedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora