Two New Recruits

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Sky's POV

I'm out on the training grounds, watching Ssundee. He bet me five butter that he could fight for thirty whole minutes straight, without stopping.

I watch him as he beheads another dummy, then turns and skewers another into the world's largest shish-kabob.

Twenty-eight minutes have gone by. "I'm impressed, dude. You only have two minutes left." I tell him, and he grins.

Suddenly, the alarm bell rings out over the grounds, turning every head and stopping Ssundee right in his tracks.

One of the seekers is contacting the kingdom.

We're always attempting to recruit as many players as we possibly can. The Team and I used to do it ourselves, but now we're always caught up in training or meetings at the kingdom. Not only that, but players are spread millions of miles away from each other, to keep them from running into each other.

Now that we've recruited so many players, the nearest ones are usually months away.

To recruit them, we now have seekers. The seekers whole job is to find players and get them safely to the army base, here in the kingdom, where we recruit and train them, if they're up for it. Or if they don't think we're all criminally insane.

Seekers have a pretty dangerous job. It is extremely easy to get lost, and we've found out the hard way that squids will stop at nothing to kill us. Basically for safety, we send each seeker out with a contact device so they can contact the base whenever they're in danger. We also use them so the seekers can let us know if they find anyone.

I glance at Ssundee, and he looks back at me with a grim expression. This could either be something good, or something very bad. We don't have that many seekers as it is. Not many are up for the job.

"Come on!" I call to Ssundee, which snaps him into action. We both race up the hill, leaving the training grounds in the dust.

When we reach the contact room, the rest of the Team is already there, all wearing straight faces. Not even Jerome and Mitch, who are usually known for brightening up a dark situation, are silent. We all know how important the seekers are. It could be good news, but it's usually a distress signal.

Jason presses a button that's marked , "Receive Call" and I hold my breath. The face of one of our seekers, a guy we call MunchingBrotato, appears on screen.

His brown hair is slightly messed up, and his glasses are a bit askew on his face. That doesn't tell us anything, though. The Brotato is always in a bit of a rush.

"Guys!" His face lights up when he sees us, and I smile. It's always good to see Brotato. He's a good guy.

"Hey Brotato, what's the deal?" Quentin asks, smiling.

Brotato takes a deep breath. "I found two." He blurts out.

"Two players?" I can't contain my gasp. Finding one player is rare enough.

"Yeah. Crazy, huh?" He grins, and straightens his glasses.

"Where are they? Did you tell them the story?" Mitch asks him.

Brotato nods. "Yeah, I told them the story. Luckily, they don't think I belong in a rubber room with a straightjacket on."

"Sometimes I do." Jerome snorts.

Brotato rolls his eyes at Jerome, and continues. "They're right over by the river."

He moves the camera over for us to see a sparkling blue river, and two kids beside it. A boy and a girl. Neither of them could be a day over thirteen.

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