No Choice

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Hope's POV

Since it was the first lockdown I'd ever seen, and Shane was Mitch's brother, I was paired up with one of the Team Crafted members.

I was with the fish.....amphibian....water guy named Quentin.

"Remind me again why I have to be paired up with you?" I ask him. I have nothing against him, I only mean why I had to be paired up with someone. I can take care of myself.

"Well, you're stuck with me because Sky's with Red, Jason's with Rose, Mitch is with Shane, Ssundee's with A, and Jerome is with Darkclaw. That leaves me." He answers. I had noticed that he sounded cheerful all the time.

"I know that, I meant why do have to be paired up with someone? I can take care of myself." I rephrase.

"Everyone who has never been in a lockdown before is paired up with someone who has, just so they get used to it. It's no biggie." He responded.

"Fine then." I say.

"Chillax, Hope. It'll be over soon." He smiles.

"Nice try, fish, but I don't want to 'chillax'." I mutter.

"Amphibian." He corrects. . "I'm an amphibian."

"Whatever." I knew I was being a bit of a brat, but you know what?

I couldn't care less.

"I want to go home, Quentin." I whine.

"It's okay, Hope. I get it. But you are home." He says.

"I meant my real home." I think.

This will never be my real home as far as I'm concerned. Did my mom die here to save me and my sister? No. Did my sister lose her life here trying to protect me from zombies? Nope. Did I spend my entire life here? Don't think so.

Therefore, this is not my home. And never will be.

Quentin's POV (A/N: Have I done one of these before? Well now I have)

I don't get why Hope was so uptight about this place.

Sure, she left her home and most of her belongings, but....

Nevermind. I completely understand why Hope was so uptight about this place.

To give her credit where it's due, though, she's here. And hopefully she's willing to take on the squids.

Seriously though, I feel like she deserves more credit then what the others are giving her. I mean, all Brotato had to say about her was: "She's definitely got a temper."

I think there's definitely more to her than just her temper. There's more to everyone then what they seem like on the outside.

Like Sky, for instance. Most of the army just sees him as the fearless leader who's going to help us defeat the squids. But really, he's just as much as a person as the rest of them are.

I personally think that that's one of the bad things in people. Everyone is so quick to judge that they lose sight of what the person actually is.

And I won't lie and say that I don't do that, because I do. It's in every person's nature.

I just try my hardest to overlook the labels, and see what's really on the inside. That's why I try to be cheerful as much as I can.

I look through the telescope again, aiming it towards the tents at the back of the army.

And then I see something.

"Hope, come here for a second." I say, and she does.

"What?" She asks.

"Look through this telescope right at those tents in the back." I hand her the telescope, and she does.

"Yeah, what about them?"

"Behind that third tent, doesn't that look like a player with brown hair and a white shirt?"

Her eyes widen."Holy Notch." She breathes.

I pull out my walkie-talkie. "Sky! The tents along the back wall! Look there!" I practically scream into the thing.

"On it." I hear from not just Sky, but about everyone else.

Then silence for a second.

And then, the sounds of Sky dropping his walkie-talkie, and running towards the back wall while Red calls after him.

The rest of us have no choice but to immediately head after him.


Short chapter today, but the next chapter is hopefully (if I can execute it right) going to be action packed and awesome!


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