When Did Our Lives Become Such A Mess?

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Hope's POV

A player screamed in surprise as I burst out of the house. Guess she wasn't expecting anyone to come out of the door. (A/N: FAKE CLIFFHANGER HEHEH) I stormed across the field, already regretting what I just did.

Not that I'd ever admit it to them.

It wasn't fair of me to accuse Sky of being broken. I've had my share of broken moments, but I've always been able to repair myself.

Again...and again... and again...

I've gone through a lot of crap in my life I wish I didn't have to. Shane has, too. But it's not my place to tell someone else's story.

Heading up to the gates, I totally ignored the gate guards and left. Surprisingly, they didn't seem to care as they watched me go. Huh. Sky needs to get some better guards.

Sky's POV

"Are you serious? We're not just letting her go!" Shane yelled at me, after we confirmed that no one was hurt, or missing.

"Who am I to stop her? It'll only make her even more ticked, Shane! You saw the look on her face when she left. She was done." I retorted.

"You don't know Hope like I do. She was not done. You just pushed her too far. This has happened before. Someone pushes her, and she storms off, but then regrets it an hour later! Now she's left the kingdom, and she'll be out there on her own, no doubt with them after her!" His face was nearly red in anger. I felt as though I was in a cartoon, and in ten seconds, steam would come out of his ears.

"It's not my fault. I was just trying to-"

"Save it, jerk." Shane growled, cutting me off.

"Shane, quit it." Mitch muttered, grabbing Shane's wrist, trying to pull him away.

"Why should I?" Here came the steam. Metaphorically, of course. "Hope was the only family I've had for ten years! You were gone, Mitch. Far away from me, not even looking for me. Not even thinking that it was possible I could respawn. I searched for years, Mitch. Years. How long did you search for? You abandoned me in that attack. You stood by and WATCHED while I died."

Shane tore his hand away from Mitch, who was beginning to get tears in his eyes. "You stopped being my brother the day you let me die." He finished, and sprinted towards the gates after Hope.

"Shane..." Mitch tried to call out, but he couldn't. He collapsed to the ground crying, and Jerome ran to his side, trying and failing to comfort him.

I looked up at the sky and shut my eyes, sighing slightly.

When did our lives become such a mess?

I ran through our problems in my head.

1. Giant war coming soon.

2. No doubt there will be blood on our hands by the end of it all.

3. Ty's in the hospital.

4. Mitch just got his heart broken by his brother.

5. I'm pretty depressed.

6. Ssundee's episodes.

7.  Jason's dealing with girl problems.

8. Hope ran away.

9. Shane ran away.

10. Oh, and I almost forgot the problem that started it all- our parents are dead.

I would say our lives our pretty screwed up, wouldn't you?

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