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Jason's POV

The entire army went on lockdown mode the second Sky came back saying that Ty was missing.

We know he's somewhere in the base, though. None of the guards saw anyone come in or leave.

We're all stressed out now. We've only ever had to use lockdown mode once before this, and now it's not a drill.

This is for real.

I'm standing on watch with Rose, who volunteered to take the shift with me when everything else was taken.

"This is crazy." She mutters. She's been here for the last lockdown, but that was just a drill. Now that it's real, people are following the rules for a lockdown, but everyone is in some state of panic.

"I know. You'd think Sky would notify the rest of the army before pressing the lockdown button." I respond.

Rose looks at me in awe. "He didn't even contact the king?"

"He did do that. We would've gotten kicked out of here if he hadn't. And then we would be totally screwed."

"No kidding." Rose agrees. "No base, no supplies, and almost ten million players to keep alive."

"If they're in this army," I say. "They know how to keep themselves alive."

"True." Rose says, and turns back to the telescope that's aimed at the grounds.

Everybody on Team Crafted is on the lookout for Ty.

A's POV (A/N: haven't done one of these in a while)

I'm at telescope three with Ssundee. Sky was a little apprehensive about letting Ssundee have only one person with him, because of his condition. But I convinced him that I could handle it.

Even so, I have an emergency walkie-talkie to contact Sky in case something happens.

"You see him?" I ask.

"Nope." Ssundee sighs. "Not one sign of him."

"Here, let me see." Ssundee gives me the telescope and I look around the base, but just as he said, no Ty.

"Good Notch." I mutter. "Why'd he run off like that?"

"Who knows." Ssundee shudders. "I wonder if he has something like I do. After all, I was in there for three months and look at where I'm at. He was in there for seven years."

Now it's my turn to shudder. Ssundee's right. There's no way Ty made it out of the squid's base without any mental or physical scars.

"You don't think he's..." I ask.

"Not in control of himself? Yes I do." Ssundee says grimly.

"That's a really good point, Sun." I say.

He laughs. "Sun?"

"Yeah. It's starting to get obnoxious typing out Ssundee every time." I laugh.

"Oh, god. Not you guys too."

I jump. "What the Nether?"

"Stop breaking the fourth wall!"

"Fine. Your name is just kind of long, Sun."

"Fair enough." He laughs a little.

"I'll tell Sky your theory. See what he thinks." I say, and Sun nods.

I turn on my radio. "Hey, Sky?" I ask.

Immediately a panicked voice comes on the radio. "A? What's going on?"

"Sky, I'm fine. Sun just had a really good theory." I say.

"Oh, ok. In that's case-wait, Sun?" He asks.

"Yeah. Ssundee is just getting obnoxious to type-"


"Err, I mean, Ssundee is just a little long."

"Alright. What's Sun's theory?" He asks.

"Well, you know how Sun was only in the squid's base for three months and got his....umm...condition?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, Ty was in there for seven years. Sun thinks that it's extremely likely that Ty came out if there with some sort of mental scars. He might not be in control of himself right now."

There's silence on the other side of the walkie-talkie.

Finally, Sky speaks. "That's not a bad theory, Sun, good thinking."

"Thanks." Sun says sheepishly. (A/N: Try saying that ten times fast)

"Ok, I'll see you guys in a while. Over." Sky shuts off his walkie-talkie, and I shut off mine.

"Welp," I say, passing the telescope to Sun. "I think it's your turn to try and find the possibly insane Ty."


Sorry, but I had to put in some boring filler.

And I'm sorry that I waited a while to post a new chapter, but one of my family members (if you read my status, you already know this) unexpectedly died on Monday, and I needed some time. Thanks for understanding in advance. :)

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